Thursday, December 19, 2019

Look What The Tucson Quilters Did!

    Honestly, these quilters are amazing.

I was at the Tucson Quilters Guild meetings recently, doing some lectures, but couldn't keep my eyes off their Challenge Quilts. They were hanging in two exhibits -- and the variety, colors and experimenting were great.

Take a look.

Yes, those are hands...with manicures. Enormously clever.

Buttons only add to the 3-D look of these flowers

Clustered buttons and fan doilies -- beautiful.

Yes -- a halved quilt!

Way to go, Embellishment Girl

Simple - effective. And a nice way to display single pieces, including jewelry.

The split border is quite nice on this piece

The confetti method! This is all fused raw-edge bits.

Nice job!

(Permission was given for these photos -- you'll have to ask too, if you copy them. Just follow the first link to get to the guild website.)

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.