Thursday, August 13, 2020

Dog Days

 It has not been fun around here.

     While we were having supper with friends, Charles and Ruby found their rotting elkhead, from a hunting trip last fall. (Out here, you leave the skull to clean itself off naturally, so to speak -- it's called a 'Western Mount.') When we got back, the Brick found Charley gnawing on the elk's jawbone -- and we thought that was the worst of it. (After all, you can wire the jawbone back in place.)

But it wasn't.

Over the next 5 days or so, Ruby got terribly sick. When we could get her to eat something, we fed her a little chicken, rice and applesauce -- what people would eat in the same situation. But she ate little, slept a lot...and decorated our floor every night, no matter how early or late we got up. Finally we just left her outside for most of the day. Twice a day, I held her down while the Brick cleaned off her backside with personal wipes, wearing rubber gloves. Poor puppy. Poor Brick.

When she finally started to improve, Charley got sick! Then it was HIS poop all over, night after night after night. At least we could rinse him off, instead of the personal cleaning. 

This joyful experience is nearly over. Thank God. And next time we see our friends, I'm going to make very sure that elkhead is up and out of reach.

Meanwhile, here are some doggie-do memes for you to enjoy. 

Charley can snore loud enough to be heard the next block over.

I'll be back soon with meatier posts...but for now, I needed some amusement. Figured you did, too.

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