Monday, August 3, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Jacquie! And Other Visitors

Boy, you can tell it's summer, and the traveling bug has hit.

We were laying in bed Sunday morning when a knock came at the door. The Brick looked at me: an appraisal client?? (Nope.) I looked at him: someone we'd invited to stop by?
     It turns out: yes. Our friend Jacquie, about the only other Coloradoan on our cruise ship this winter, was on her way south with her mom Dorothy in tow. She'd written, but we both hadn't a chance to read her long e-mail yet. And here she was, on our doorstep!
     We had a lovely long talk with her and Mom, me bleary-eyed and still in my bathrobe. But I'm so glad she stopped. (We'll get together again after she gets home.)
     Cousins stopped by last week. (We're going on a cruise with them next April!) Daughter #2 and Son #1 have plans. It is beautiful here right now -- not quite as hot, and tiny patches on the trees are already starting to show the typical Colorado fall color: bright yellow. 
      It's only early August. What gives -- does this mean an early winter? We'd better get some camping and fishing in before it comes.

A climbing death on Colorado's Long's Peak. The hiker took a 600-800 ft fall. (All you need technically, I learned when I was teaching rockclimbing in New Hampshire, is 75 feet to do it. Die, that is.)

Practicing 'stealth wealth.' Not a bad idea in this unstable world, if you've got considerably more than your neighbors and don't want that to be obvious. (From Financial Samurai) Also from Sam:

If you're spoiled or clueless (or know someone who is), try working a minimum-wage job. 

A loving tribute to Hugh Beaumont, Leave It To Beaver Star -- by his daughter.

Things are not looking good for ex-monarch Juan Carlos in Spain. His daughter was acquitted of fraud in recent years, but her husband was convicted. His ex-Majesty recently left Spain very quickly, self-propelled, as it were, before he could be arrested. Messy.

Two household ingredients = whiter sheets. Why not try it...

What will you do if you're unemployed by the first week in August? Ideas that could help, offered here. (Thanks, I Pick Up Pennies)

A giant whipped cream sculpture, complete with fly and cherry on top, is now installed at Trafalgar Square. (Frankly, I'm glad I saw TS without it.)

Where did Stonehenge get its stones from? That mystery finally seems to be solved.

Historic comfort foods born from hard times. (Atlas Obscura, of all places.) Whoa -- it's actually a series. Here's Part I, as well as Part II.  I'm going to try these Joe Frogger cookies myself.

Also of interest from them:  Weird transportation failures. Including the Can Opener and the Bridge to Nowhere.

"Nothing in the cupboard:" but you can still make soup!

Jezebel Chicken. I'd make this with chicken breasts, instead of thighs, though. (From Taste of Home)

Also from them --

Casseroles for anyone who likes pizza.

A lighter version of General Tsao's chicken. I think tthis will be on the menu this week, too. (From One Hundred Dollars a Month)

"What the cheapest meals you like to eat, even when money is not a problem for you?" Another winner from Quota. This one's fun, too:

"What's the cheapest meal you've ever had?"

Nine types of income retirees shouldn't have to pay taxes on. Whoo hoo!

99-Dollar Cabin Plans?? Yes...

John Hume, connected with the IRA and the Irish peace process, died recently.

The story of the East German border guard who leaped over the barbed wire of the Berlin Wall. Konrad Schumann's photo became famous...but his story is a little sad, too.

Before-and-after transformations: eleven of the best from Apartment Therapy.

Did Raphael die from coronavirus, instead of syphilis? This study thinks so.

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...