Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturdays in Michigan

It's a quiet week in Lake Woebegone.

I spent the afternoon with Sister and our great-nieces and nephew yesterday: McDonald's, then swimming. ("Squirt Aunt Cindy one more time with that watergun, and you're gone!") Then the crowning moment: a stop at the local thrift store to pick out (gasp!) YOUR OWN TOY AND BOOK. I had no idea this would be such a thrill. Then back to Grams' farm to get some candy from her, and some goodies we'd brought from Colorado. (Also via the thrift shop, but they didn't know that.) They are dears, and I love them. Sister, too. 

   The Brick spent the day installing a screen door for The Mama. She (and he) was very happy with the results.  

It is REALLY hot here, with a blessed cool breeze easing things up. We're headed to a memorial service for our cousin, tonight around 6 p.m. in a park. The blackflies have been horrendous -- the last service we attended  (last Saturday at a cemetery, for another cousin), I could see them pooling on my ankles and gnawing away. There was nothing to do but stand there and endure. 

      This time, I'll wear long pants instead of a dress, spray heavily with 'bug drug' and hope for the best. Hey, the excitement never ends around here. Hopefully, though, it's the last funeral we have to go to on this trip. 

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