Sunday, August 23, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Keep On Keeping On

Hot and sticky...two of the things Michigan specializes in for August.

    We'll be here a bit longer, after 1 1/2 weeks in Michigan, staying at The Mama's. Her 83rd birthday was last week; two cousins' funeral services also happened. These were outdoors, one actually at the cemetery, due to tight Covid-19 restrictions by the governor. (She finally allowed public pools to open just a few days ago -- about two weeks before pools usually are drained for the season. Go figure.

    Another cousin has a beautiful pool -- and has generously urged us to use it whenever we can. (Thank you so much, Niki!) Monday is supposed to head up into the 90s. Humid too, of course. Guess where we'll be headed in the afternoon? Then... back to work.


Denver had its share of attackers masquerading as protesters during the 'Give 'Em Hell' anti-police attack Saturday night. Could have been worse...people (including Colorado's government, thankfully) are getting very tired of this.

A hissy fit over our First Lady being a "foreigner" who dared to 'rip up' history in the form of the White House rose garden. Ummm.... buddy, she's a U.S. citizen, though she was born in a foreign country -- like so many of our distinguished immigrant citizens. She actually oversaw the rose garden renovated, following its 1965 form used by Jackie Kennedy. It's still there -- not like the people who tried to get rid of the rose garden altogether...and had the ghost of Dolley Madison admonish them. 

    He eventually deleted his tweet, and added an apology -- but made himself look not only like a bully, but a historically-misinformed doofus, as well. Sad.

Mrs. Obama did something rather similar by denigrating immigrant children's 'cages' as solely Trump's doing -- even though those cages, the program -- and the nasty 2014 photos often used to 'prove' how meanhearted Trump is -- actually started during her husband's administration. Oopsies.

Two Michigan boys return a wallet stuffed with cash. The owner was more than grateful:

“It’s super easy to do the right thing when someone is standing there and sees you do it,” he told the station. “It’s a whole other level of integrity when no one knows what you’ve found and what you have, and you still do the right thing.”

Amazing 15th century artifacts -- found under the floorboards in an English mansion.

Two-ingredient bagels. Actually, there are a few more...but they look great.

A very 2020 garbagefind encounter.  This guy's blog is a fascinating look at his dumpster and curbside finds -- including gold and silver. (From Things I Pick Up in the Garbage)

Yep, just as warned, some riders attending the Sturgis rally went positive for Covid-19. Lots and lots -- just like all the naysayers warned!

    So how many is that? Well, out of the some-250,000 or so who attended...less than 25, so far, including 15 Minnesotans who seem to have had connections with each other. One guy is in the hospital -- and yes, I do feel badly for him. But do those numbers terrify YOU??

So the mystery of the Roanoke Colony has been solved...or has it?

Ben Cross died last week. We admired his work in Chariots of Fire -- and elsewhere.

Forty way-over-the-top celebrity homes. 

Fun Victorian era ghost stories. Good for telling late at night, around the campfire.

Have a great week. Stay cool.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...