Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 In Review: Do We Want to Do That Again??

 Are we really almost through 2020? 


*Covid-19 weirdnesses -- which also limited how much we saw family and friends

*The world cruise cancelled -- and other travel plans affected, as well

*all of my teaching/judging gigs cancelled 

*appraising slowed down...but at least, it continued

*delays on the New Book (many of these caused by yours truly's struggles)


*We held steady financially, and ended up with even more income when I began collecting Social Security. That, in spite of no teaching gigs or my usual little extra jobs here and there. 

*Our actual costs declined some in the area of entertainment -- we have cut way back on restaurant meals. Takeout is fun, but not as nice as dine-in. The movie theaters have been closed. Other than groceries and stops at the library and post office, we really haven't gone out much. 

*Book sales have continued steady. I'm hoping the New Book will do just as well, when it comes out in 2021.

*Living in the fifth-wheel is working out just fine. There are a few small issues -- but anywhere you live will have things to work through. 

*Our Colorado home should be set for the coming year, as well. Our 'landlord' is very kind, and we seem to have proven our value to him. (Besides, we watch the place when he's gone.)

Others are talking about what really matters to them -- and how that's kept them going this year. I've learned that changes in plans still can be enjoyable, even if they weren't what you expected to do right then. I've also seen, even more clearly, that the people you can count on -- can still be relied on, even in uncertain circumstances. And I know that I love our family -- and I love the Brick. That commitment is even stronger. 

So what will happen in 2021? 

For once, I think I'm willing to let that stay uncertain for now.

Come January, we'll head south, pulling our home with us, and stay where it's warmer. We hope to do some volunteer work for a missions group while we're down there, in return for a spot to put our trailer.

We'll continue to be careful with our money, and look for bargains on everyday needs, as well as things like travel. (We love to travel.) We'll go back to Michigan periodically to check on The Mama -- but will spend most of our time in Colorado. We may also look for a piece of land we could use for staying now and then, plus a small building for storage. 

I want to get all of my restoration jobs and writing commitments DONE. Maybe start a new blog...or work again as a staffer part-time. Who knows. 

We need to get more exercise. (Maybe swimming?) Keep watching our weight. Get the sleep we need. 

The Brick needs to fix a few things here and there on the fifth-wheel. Meanwhile, I need to figure out how to fit what we need smoothly in place, and get rid of the rest. 

I have no great reassurance that our new president will put our needs before his own. (Or his family's needs, for that matter.) Congress is rowing the same boat. There may be plenty of unrest before next year is done -- and that could easily include financial upsets. Our children could struggle -- something that bothers me more than us going through it. Our health could change. (Please, no more crowns needed on our aging teeth!) Our savings are conservatively invested, so may not grow much. On the other hand, they shouldn't disappear, either.

But I do know some things, for certain. I trust and love our friends, our family...and the Brick. And God is in control. Bring on 2021 -- let's go!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries