Thursday, December 24, 2020

Winter Solstice, Thomasing, Christmas Eve -- And Updates

 So here we are, back home, snugged against the mountains, where we can see over the valley.  Our neighbor has lit deer decorations in their front yard -- near where the real deer have been feeding. I wonder if they even notice...

'Lover Boy' has been hanging around a lot, thanks to a group of doe that often show up around dusk. He hasn't had a lot of success, though. Poor guy.

It's back to icy cold, with a trace of snow on the ground. But for the next day or two, we're posted to have temps in the high 40s. A storm's due in shortly after. Welcome to Colorado.

Somehow I missed winter solstice earlier this week. 

I also missed the traditional date for the Festival of St. Thomas (Dec. 21). In Europe, it was customary for the men to have their farmyards blessed; in the Germanic countries, like Switzerland, they would also go out, cracking whips or shooting guns, to 'drive the bad demons away' from their Christmas celebrations.

    Meanwhile, the ladies were either scrubbing their households clean (in Finland)...or begging door to door ("Thomasing") for flour, fruit, etc. from better-off households. Often the recipients of that largess would give sprigs of holly or mistletoe in return. This was also called "doleing," "corning" or "mumping." (From a Saxon word, "mompen," which meant 'to beg.') 

Well-a-ay, well-a-day, St. Thomas goes too soon away;
Then your gooding we do pray, for the good time will not stay.
The longest night & the shortest day!
Please remember St. Thomas's Day!

People are celebrating very differently this year, as you all too well know. You're not the only one who's staying home with immediate family this year. (And if you have kids and/or grandkids, be sure to read this one, too.)

Earlier this week, we were resigned to being by ourselves this Christmas -- with the exception of a friend who lives on the same property that we do. Our Covid test results (negative!) at least reassured our little children that we weren't contagious. So now we'll have coffee and sweet bites (at a distance) with everyone Christmas Day, as well as supper later on with Daughter #2 and our son. 

Not bad. Not bad at all.  No Seven Fish Dishes or Sachertorte, like we traditionally do. (Although I did manage to get Christmas cake baked tonight.) I haven't done much decorating this year, other than put out the Nativity set, our special candle, and add a strand of lights. My heart just hasn't been in it...

I haven't baked that much, and we didn't shop too often for presents. (What we did get were nearly all wrapped while we were in Michigan earlier this fall, thanks to The Mama's huge collection of giftwrap.) We've given a lot of food gifts this year to friends and our family, mostly from trips to Michigan (apples and the Dutch store) and Mexico (gamesas and holiday decorations). 

It doesn't matter. We will spend time with our children...and that means a lot. 

There may be hope yet. 

Merry Christmas to you. Please take time to reflect on whose holiday this really is.

(Adoration of the Shepherds
by Petrus Van Schendel)


gaye ingram said...

Thanks for informaing me about Thomasing! And "doleing"! Merry Christmas, Cindy!

Cindy Brick said...

Glad to help, Gaye! And Best wishes for a Happy New Year...

Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries