Sunday, December 27, 2020

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work, So We Can Play

      We got to see our children for Christmas, after all.

Christmas Day was unusually warm here, and it was no problem to hang out by the firepit at Daughter #1's house, while the Yule Log burned. Son #1 and Daughter #2 came back with us for supper, and say they'll be by at New Year's, as well. 

Wow. A negative Covid-19 result made a real difference.

I still have some reports to finish up, and tweaking on the New Book. But a baby quilt needs restoration work, as well as a Sunbonnet quilt. No more lazing about, if I'm going to enjoy the New Year with our family. 

Here's hoping that you got to see the ones you love, as well...or at least had a good rest. 

One of the great ones in bluegrass is gone. Tony Rice died on Christmas Day. This singer, songwriter and guitarist had a heavy influence on bluegrass's evolution into modern music. His friend and fellow player, Ricky Skaggs, wrote:

"Tony Rice was the single most influential acoustic guitar player in the last 50 years. Many if not all of the Bluegrass guitar players of today would say that they cut their teeth on Tony Rice’s music. He loved hearing the next generation players play his licks. I think that’s where he got most of his joy as a player,"

Rice was 69.

And one of the not-so-great: Englishman turned-Russian spy George Blake is dead. Now he can explain to the Great Judge why he comes with so much blood on his hands, from others who died after he betrayed them.

The brave police who cleared the area just in time before the Nashville RV explosion. Good for them!

When do you actually 'feel' rich? And it's not when you have the most money, either. (From Financial Samurai)

A dozen money tips you probably didn't learn in school. 

Anna Sorokin says she's sorry and ashamed, finally -- to who else, but the parole board. (Of course, this came after one of the commissioners said her actions were "flippant" before this.) Sure, you are. I believe everything this little dear says.

The 'Balloon Boy's' parents have been pardoned. Whew.

23 very funny social media statements in that prankster, Ryan Reynolds. (His buddy Hugh Jackman gets special treatment.) I laughed hard at Conan O'Brien's twitter cracks, too...

Slow cooker desserts??  Yes, according to Betty Crocker.

Amazing wartime heroism that sounds fake -- but it really happened.

BLM protesters sued the cops in Detroit. Now Detroit is suing the protesters for "civil conspiracy."

"What I buy and why:" interview with an art collector. (She mentions the textiles of Sonya Clark -- I've never heard of this artist, but that will be fixed very soon. Update: I did! She's amazing -- works with everyday objects, as well as thread and hair. Check out her portrait of Obama, using Lincoln pennies.

Lessons from scratch-and-dent shopping... one of my favorite things to do. (From Penniless Parenting)

An ancient church found near the Jerusalem site of the Last Supper -- as well as a Jewish ritual bath.

Polymer clay Christmas ornaments -- it's going to be a bit painstaking, but you can actually make this house...or your own!  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Forty ways to use it up, make it last or wear it out.  (From Harvest Lane Cottage)

Clever hacks on IKEA's own DIY website,

John Fielder: amazing wildlife photographer -- and how he got there. 

Was Helen Keller just a spoiled white privileged person? This black activist thinks so. Yep, Ms. Keller had it so easy...

"Why I'm so optimistic about 2021." Mr. Money Mustache explains.

Enjoy this final holiday week...before the rat race begins again.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries