Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas Cake...and Tasha Tudor

 Years ago, I read Tasha Tudor's Take Joy!  The famous artist had a lot of fun handcrafting the holiday in simple fashion with her kids -- in part because she enjoyed tradition. (And, I suspect, she wasn't making much money then, either.) 

With the possible exception of Sachertorte, Tasha's Christmas cake has been a go-to for decades at our house -- with the exception of those sticky fruit bits used in fruitcake. I substitute maraschino cherries, instead, and add a lot more nuts.

It was one of the first recipes I ever published in this blog. Go here -- have fun.

Frost and decorate your cake, British-style -- something like this.  (This version from Good to Know)


When I enjoy Miss Read's Christmas stories, they're always frosting this kind of cake -- and topping it with snowmen, deer...and a robin.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries