Saturday, December 5, 2020

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

 ...or the Feast of St. Nicholas. A favorite of Holland and other European countries. It always brings to mind my dad, a quiet Dutch farmer who loved celebrations -- but seldom had them as a kid. 

St. Nicholas, a tall distinguished bishop, makes the rounds of worthy children -- while his assistant, Black Peter, keeps a book of bad/good children's names, and updates same. (In case you're curious, Zwarte Piet is actually a Moor from Spain! He is a servant -- like my ancestor from England -- but his literacy suggests he isn't a slave.)

Get out your wooden shoes, and load them up tonight with small presents and goodies. 
Don't forget a wisp or two of hay for St. Nicholas' horse.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries