Sunday, May 30, 2021

Frugal Hits & Misses: May Report

    As usual, in the strange life of the Bricks, we did not spend a day of this month in Colorado. Yet we were home -- living in the fifth-wheel. Part of the month was spent traveling to get to The Mama's farm in Michigan, in time for Mother's the rest of the month. We'll spend Memorial Day in Michigan, leave for a quickie vacation in Shipshewana, Indiana, with dear cousins -- then head for home in our home. If that makes any sense.

                                                     Happy Memorial Day!

 Colorado, we'll be home soon! I've sure missed you...and our family and friends. 


*Finished up taxes. The federal refund will immediately be swallowed up by tire and printer costs -- but hey, at least we GOT a refund. 

*Picked flowers, for both The Mama and ourselves, rather than purchasing them: lilacs, lilies of the valley, tulips. Ummm, those lovely smells. Also, a couple of petunia baskets (WAY less at Walmart, than other places) for The Mama's patio. (I did have to move them inside a couple of nights, due to frost warnings.) 

*Free trip through Holland's tulips -- we went to the local park, instead of paying to enter the "official" gardens. (We got to see family, too.) Our only cost: the gas to get there and back. 

*Bought fabric, including several yards of Bigfoot-themed prints, for a new website I'll be starting soon: Bigfoot Bureau. Got a 25% discount. (But had to pay shipping - ouch.)

*Bought a toile valance piece, c.1815, for lectures. (I would have liked to pay less, but it IS a nice piece, and worth more than I paid for it. Free shipping, at least.)

*Instead of $90 tickets to see Jeff Foxworthy during our upcoming trip to Shipshewana -- a Foxworthy video, instead. Plus two others: $5.  (I also picked up a $3.99 Due North series video.) Not to mention several birthday and Christmas presents; some great books, including Jeffrey Archer's Cat O'Nine Tales (50 cents for kids' books, $1.20 for hardcover, 99 cents for paperback); two shirts each for the Brick and me, as well as a pair of pants for him; as well as a beautiful silk strapless top and stole I'll be 'autopsying,' so to speak. (The matching stole will survive its mate, sacrificed for the equally beautiful lace and pearl motifs.) 

 *More thrift store purchases: some birthday presents, a $1.99 t-shirt and $5.99 dress for yours truly. I saved money one week by NOT visiting during Senior Discount Day. (It's too tempting not to buy stuff then...especially books.) Also bought several rolls of beautiful metallic giftwrap.

*Wrapped up birthday and Christmas presents in sort-of neutral pine tree paper, using up a Christmas roll bought two years ago. (On sale, of course!) The Christmas presents, using the same paper, will be left in Michigan for family. (The Mama will keep them upstairs until that time comes. She doesn't know that some of the present will be for her birthday celebration in August.) 

*I will certainly miss my beloved Daily Deals, including snagging 99-cent hot dogs and chopped ham bits (15 and 16 oz, respectively). (Really delicious pepperoni and provolone snack trays: 50 cents each.) I don't know about your neck of the woods, but meat prices in general have really skyrocketed here. Sirloin steak -- one of the tougher cuts -- was going for $6.99/lb on Memorial Day Weekend -- on sale.

*Greens for less this time at Daily Deals: 50 and 79 cents for spring greens and organic lettuce heads. A buck for a two-pound bag of white onions. Some marked-down mushrooms were sauteed immediately and put in the freezer. (They were starting to "go.") Stuff like that.

*Ate up several items about to go stale or bad. (Missed out on a couple items I'd forgotten were in our fridge -- we share cooking duties, but generally have been eating over at The Mama's.) Cleared out several cans of soup and vegetables, giving us extra room in the 'basement.' Tip: Even if they look just fine, don't generally bother with fruit out of season -- the clementines I purchased turned rock-hard, and were only edible by sucking on them.  

*An armful of free books for our nieces and nephews -- from a church library giving away its stuff.

*The Brick scrubbed the color right off our bathroom sink handles. That's bad, right? Nope -- they turned a beautiful shade of copper!

*New sheets -- half off -- to replace some that came with the trailer...and are wearing out. (The Brick's comment: "You were just waiting for a sale, weren't you?" He's right!)

*The Brick fixed a cousin's headlight -- twice. I did some chores for The Mama, including painting trim and repainting her garden sculpture, "Calfie." 

Rembrandt, I am not.

*Three tickets for an evening dinner cruise via paddlewheel boat. The Mama loves paddlewheels and has wanted to take a longer cruise, but her health has not made it possible. Tickets for this one were a lot cheaper than a multi-day one: $60 each (a big purchase for us), but worth it. (The cruise people double-charged us. Fortunately, the Brick caught it, and I got it fixed. Always check.)

*The Brick got the area he requested for a hunting license! It's much closer to home, and there's a second season, in case you don't get an animal the first time.

                                               Our family takes this sport seriously.


We got some real stingers this month, on top of our fun expenses LAST month. Some were expected -- some weren't.

*We got haircuts: our first since November of last year.  And paid extra for them. (The Brick paid for his -- then unknowingly I paid for his cut, as well as mine. But it was a friend, who could use the extra $$.) Or should this, because we went un-cut for so long, be considered a hit, instead? 

*Our printer broke. The Brick did his best, but it can't be fixed. Anyone need a very large paperweight?

*The kitchen sink is, well... sinking. More work to prop it up and re-seal around the edges.  

*The trailer's brakes need replacing -- very soon. As in more than $1000 again. Getting new tires (and you know how THAT turned out) was supposed to help with this. 

*We paid for insurance on the fifth-wheel and the truck -- six months' worth. OUCH -- but no extra fees, at least.

*I invested in several items for upcoming business -- including Bigfoot fabric (see above). We'll also have extra costs for finishing up renovating the Brickworks website...and starting up another one. 

More on this soon.

For last month's report, go here. And for last year's report, fresh from our quarantine after being out and about in the world -- go here, instead.  Now on to the warm (and warmer) days of summer. 

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

I think you did quite well for the month and yes, meat prices are soaring! All prices are soaring. Well, all prices except for wages.


Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...