Sunday, May 23, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Getting Things Finished Up

 I am amazed. The days seem to go slowly, but the weeks are just zooming by. We have a few more weeks here at The Mama's farm. The cleaning jobs are done; now it's on to fun things like replacing brakes. The printer complicated life by breaking down -- but the Brick thinks he can fix it. I hope so; I need that printer to finish off my work.


Did Covid-19 originate in a Wuhan, China lab? Evidence is mounting...

When WAS the Cerne Giant created? Now archeologists are agreeing it might have been much earlier than the 1600s, the previous "for sure" date. (P.S. He's wearing a mask now.) If you're into ancient sex stuff -- 

Dozens of penises are discovered, hidden in the Bayeux Tapestry. Hey, I don't make this stuff up.

Lucille Ball's sexy past. Hoo boy.

A 'Six Figure' interview -- ESIMoney has a series of interviews with various people, including retirement and millionaire subjects, that are both interesting and helpful. This one focuses on some important points:

I saw this great quote the other day and it’s so true. “The person who does more than they are paid for will soon be paid for more than they do.”

If you truly want to grow your income, you have to be willing to do things other people won’t and you have to be really good at your job while also taking on more.

Another great quote that I’ve tried to live by is ““There are no shortcuts. You have to work hard, and try to put yourself in a position where if luck strikes, you can see the opportunity and take advantage of it.”

President Biden's tax returns have been released. As the reviewer points out, they're pretty boring -- with the exception of $1.8 million in cash, just sitting in a credit union account. There are two interesting items, however:

     *At least $6 million in annuities was purchased just before Biden went into office.

     *Biden earned at least $20 MILLION between 2017-2019. Yet his company, which supposedly processes his speaking fees, has about $15,000 in assets.

     No huge donations. No huge expenditures, either. Where did all that money go? 

Get a camper van...or not? Build it yourself...or buy it ready-done?  (From I Retired Young)

Colorado will be paying unemployed residents up to $1600 to get them to go back to work. (I am not making this up. Really.)

Facts about Have Gun, Will Travel that you may not have known.

Umm, Madame Vice President -- didn't you pledge NOT to hide your assets and transactions in a trust? Better call your accountant...because you are.

One person's eviction moratorium story. (She hasn't paid rent for more than a year now.) Here's another one, as well, from both the landlord and the renter's viewpoints.

Corrections on the 1619 Project -- but some are too little, too late, historians argue.

Governor Twinkletoes is at it again.  (Fellow Michiganders, you can relate to this.) Shouldn't she be held to the same standards she asks (no, demands) from everyone else?

Kids from a famous WWII Nazi death train photo are identified...they survived! Also:

Twins are reunited with their childhood playmate -- whose father paid for their railroad tickets on the last train out before restrictions shut access down. His generosity saved their lives.

Zucchini fritters -- plenty of other zucchini recipes, as well.  (Thanks, Hillbilly Housewife)

A real murder -- written almost like a detective novel -- about Ezra McCandless.

Crustless quiche -- made bacon-cheddar style in a 9 x 13 pan.  (From Betty Crocker)

Also -- creme brulee cheesecake bars, a 2019 prizewinner.

What to do when a colleague takes credit for your work. Some good ideas here, though they have to be carried out ASAP to do much...

Lemon curd tart. Cool and refreshing.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Princess Diana's most 'inappropriate' outfits. Not by American standards! And definitely not the gorgeous 'revenge' dress.

A Navy pilot who's seen more than a few UFOS. And even scarier:

Former President Obama confirms a number of "unexplainable flight patterns." (But not the aliens at Area 51.)

Hacks who passed off other people's work as their own -- and generally got away with it. (From Listverse)

The weird fight over Bob Ross's estate -- more than 25 years after the painter's death. This includes a Mountain Dew commercial he's hawking -- thanks to CGI, long after he permanently stopped drinking anything!

Have a great week. Get stuff done!

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...