Monday, May 10, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Michigan

 Happy Mother's Day to all those moms out there!

We made it to Michigan Friday night, in spite of a blown tire and a bunch of construction traffic through Chicago. (Not to mention that it was National Crazy Driver Week, apparently.) That was plenty of time to celebrate The Mama on her special day, with a nice family lunch. We plan to take her out this week for another tradition: Kentucky Fried Chicken, eaten at the park. But not yet -- it is FREEZING here, in spite of the spring flowers.

    After our months in Arizona and New Mexico, all this green is a visual surprise. But a pleasant one. The daffodils and hyacinths are nearly done blooming, but the lilacs are starting in. They always remind me of my Grandma Cumings, whose purple lilacs were one of my favorite messengers of spring. (Lilacs are "first love," by the way, in the Language of Flowers. This source also calls them "the joy of youth.")

Get your own L of F postcard here.

This week: tidy up the fifth-wheel. I did one vacuuming and filled the canister in ten minutes of sweeping; that's how much dust and doghair kicked up. Ewww. 

Meanwhile, in Colorado:

A woman DRIVES through her ex-boyfriend's funeral service. (She was 'careful not to hit anything,' she later explained to cops.)

Why did President Biden leave the word "God" out of his announcing the National Day of Prayer? 

Who's a Good Boy? Now you know...

A woman finally discovers her biological mom, only to find out she was the victim in a cold case murder recently solved. 

Calling police heroes -- and being berated for it. 

Intruders break into the Queen's Windsor estate -- and have gotten away with it. (So far, at least.)

The Indonesian sub that sank recently may have been hit by an underwater wave -- or series of waves.

Pundits are now acknowledging that you can make more from unemployment than being employed. Especially if you're making under $32,000. So President Biden is warning that if you're in that position and are offered a job -- you should take it. The question: will people actually listen -- and obey?

A very funny spring report on homestead doings by the Frugalwoods.

A history of the lovely 'Dear Jane' quilt. 

Would-be car thieves are spraying gasoline at them!  Lucky nobody had a match...

How have Republicans been treated on 'The View?' And Democrats? Megan McCain holds forth.

Twelve things husbands say -- and what they actually mean. (Thanks, Babylon Bee! I laughed...the Brick winced. Mostly. He also --sort of-- listened to helpful hints for guys on housework.)

A Bronze Age jewelry find -- sitting in full view in Sweden. Amazing. 

Europe's first 3-D home...printed in just five days.

So the woman who 'found' Lady Gaga's dogs seems to have been in on the heist in the first place!

Have a great week. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...