Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: WHEW

 The taxes are done. Thank God. And we even got a refund!  Sparta's post office only stays open until 5 p.m. But Colorado's tax return MUST be snail mailed (or pay an extra fee). I dropped the envelope in the lobby deposit box, with 15 whole minutes to spare.

     What a relief. I'm sure you enjoy this task just as much as we do. 

This week it's back to working on the fifth-wheel, doing some jobs around The Mama's farm (we're still in Michigan) and hopefully catching up on some posts I've promised you, Gentle Readers. Plus -- I really, really want to get two quilt restorations finished. Their owners have been patiently waiting for them all winter. 

Just wondering -- after all the brouhaha about the East Coast Colonial Pipeline being hacked --

How does the President feel about his executive order cancelling the Keystone Pipeline now?

                                         photos from a recent trip to see Holland's tulips 


If you move into a better neighborhood, are you still considered lower-income? (From Pretending to be Poor)

Governor Twinkletoes is forced to explain her flight to Florida. (And it ain't pretty.) I am constantly entertained by what Governor Gretchen Whitmer is up to -- our Michigan relatives are less amused about it. (Keep it up, Madame Governor. I don't think you'll be reelected next year, at the rate you're going.)

An interesting guide to doing light painting photography.  (Plus you get free stuff for signing up.)

A self-driving car goes rogue.

Now we know why this BLM founder was buying all those million-dollar homes...she's combatting white supremacy! (I am not making this up. I wish I was.)

'Ice Road Truckers' was cancelled in 2017. What are the best-known members doing since then? (I was amazed to find that Lisa Kelly, one of the veterans, had attended Cornerstone University in Michigan, one of my alma maters.) Plus:

A bunch of things the 'Ice Road Truckers' producers didn't tell us. (And some they did.)

Ten people -- ten amazing archeological discoveries, some of them totally by accident. Did you know that the Rosetta Stone was being used as a building block when it was discovered? (Yes, it's Listverse)

A Boston journalist covering a dog theft catches the thief -- because he walked the dog right by her while she was filming. (He matched the surveillance camera shots, and didn't bother to remove the dog's personalized collar. The idiot.)

Ten misconceptions about slavery in America.  (From Listverse) Also: Ten slaves who should be more famous.

Now you need THREE MILLION DOLLARS in order to be considered a 'millionaire,' (That's Financial Samurai's opinion, anyways.)

The baby who lived a full 10 hours after his abortion. And the mom who says she thinks she made a mistake now...

A rare Charles Ingalls letter is uncovered. (In case you're wondering, he was Laura Ingalls Wilder's father.)

A very cool science development for batteries -- and it just happened in recent years!

A very interesting background story on Rebakah Jones, and her claims that Florida Covid numbers were fudged. (Actually, blatantly changed, she says.) Lest you dismiss this as "well, the New York Post said it," check out the Brits' Daily Mail's version, which is even more damning.

"You can go back 100,000 years to a cave that will be discovered by archeologists. What do you write on the wall to mess with them?"   Some very funny answers via Reddit.

All the people shot during the Ballymurphy Massacre in 1971 are declared innocent and cleared of charges -- 50 years later. Hey, at least Boris apologized...right?

Cake hacks! Making a purchased cake your personal creation.

A fifth-floor leap...and it's ok. That's one black cat that's lucky.

Have you ever regretted doing something good for someone?  Another gem from Quora.

The most popular color for front doors -- as based on Google searches.

    (From the comments section, typos and all: "I've sold residential real estate for 15 years now, and I can assure you that the color of your front door has absolutely no value. No buyer is going to buy or not buy your home because of the color of the door. Or pay more because its one color or another. Its such an easy and cheap thing to change if they dont like the color. It also doesnt figure in at all to realtor or appraisers valuations of homes.")

Airline CEOs beg Biden and Boris to reopen the air routes. (Great Britain did, to some degree. Not sure about the U.S.)

Homemade donuts with blackberry jam and custard? Sign me up...

Historical figures that may or may not be real.

A 400-year-old butterfly discovered inside an equally-old book. 

Celebs who can no longer afford their lavish lifestyles. I don't know why I enjoy reading about this -- but I do. Maybe a case of "nanny-nanny-boo-boo?" In keeping with this:

Top ten celebrities who died broke. Some overlap here, but at least you can read it all at once.  (From Listverse)

Hungry for onion rings? Here's one great recipe -- and another for old-fashioned onion rings

A professor fired for simply reading a printed word -- the n---- word in one of Mark Twain's books. Out loud. (Not making this up either, sad to say. I know that words have power -- but this is ridiculous.)

What's real -- and what's faked on Instagram? An interesting comparison by one blogger.

And finally, just because it's so wonderfully feisty --

                                                Audio Adrenaline's BIG HOUSE

Have a great week. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...