Thursday, May 6, 2021

Almost There

     In Clinton, Illinois now. (That's just north of Springfield, in case you're wondering.)

     We slept at a Vinita, OK Walmart last night, and are hunkered down at a Walmart again. This time, though, we're accompanied by at least two other RVs. One couple has a yipey dog that Ruby and Charley are fascinated by. Although it's an all-night Wally, things are quiet, which should make for peaceful sleeping.

     Something happened today, that neither of us has ever experienced. We blew a tire on the trailer while going down the road. It just 'happened' that we had pulled off the highway to fuel up a few minutes previous. The Brick was concerned that one of the tires on the truck was leaking, and we couldn't find a station with an air hose to pump it up. 

     We were going down one of the side roads -- slowly -- in St. Clair, MO (about 50 miles from St. Louis) when the tire blew. 

Just exploded. We don't know why -- and neither did the tire place guy.

     One of the NEW tires we had put on while we were in Tucson two weeks ago. 

     Not only did the Brick get the spare on, but we saw a tire place advertised on a billboard as we pulled out and back on the road. And that tire place was right across from where we gassed up!

  Two hours later, we pulled out with a new tire in place, the spare back in position -- and the air checked on all the tires. I even found a penny in the parking lot.

        P.S. The truck tire that caused the delay in the first place? It's fine.   

You can chalk this up to coincidence...but a series of 'just by chance' events, all happening one after the other? We call this a God thing, and are grateful to Him. (Our guardian angels may not be too thrilled at this point, though.) 

On to Sparta, Michigan tomorrow -- and The Mama's Farm. About four more hours to go.

Bye, St. Louis Arch...

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  Éirinn   go   Brách!