Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Keeping On Keeping On

 What a week. Reports to finish, a Zoom lecture, and worries about The Mama's health...we're hanging in there, but find ourselves reeling a bit. 

      Life is beginning to steady itself -- and The Mama is improving. Thank God.


Want to buy an island? This one (Duck Ledges Island) has a tiny house, for $399,000. 

England loses the 2020 Euro Final -- Italy wins. (Sorry, Brit friends.)

The injured wife of Haiti's assassinated president speaks up. Also in the article was this curious connection:  

Under Haiti’s 1987 constitution, the head of the Supreme Court should take over as interim president.

But amendments that are not unanimously recognised state that it be the prime minister, or, in the last year of a president’s mandate – as was the case with Moise – that parliament should elect a president.

Further complicating the situation, the head of the Supreme Court died last month after contracting COVID-19 amid a surge in infections. There is also no sitting parliament as legislative elections scheduled for late 2019 were postponed amid political unrest.

Sounds more and more like a setup, doesn't it?

More about the little girl who feeds crows -- and gets regular 'presents' from them.  P.S. Bigfoot are said to do this, too!

Smart strategies against inflation.  (From Liz Weston)

A very strange account about a librarian -- who gives one of her students a haircut. There's GOT to be more to this story...

The STARBURST pattern -- an incredibly easy pattern (based on a Four Patch!) from Jordan Fabrics.

Four people murdered over Nazi gold -- that may or may not have been there. (The murderer said it "was an accident." Go figure.)

New warnings from the FDA about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine: more than 100 reports link it to Guillan-Barre Syndrome.

Nine ways to repurpose last season's Christmas decor.  (From Thistlewood Farms)

You may not need 'financial liquidity,' if you know what you're doing.  (From Financial Samurai)

So the government isn't going to MAKE you get the vaccine -- but it's initiating door-to-door response teams who are going to urge you to do it. Lots of emotional statements here. 

One last hike up in the mountains -- even if it's in a wheelbarrow.

Fifteen ways to use unusual items for your home decor. 

A DaVinci drawing the size of a post-it note sells -- for nearly NINE MILLION POUNDS.

The Andean date palm was known in Jesus' time -- but extinct by the Middle Ages. Now it's back.

What?? A librarian felt the need to cut a student's hair?? (And I'm guessing there's more to the story than we're being told.)

A miffed treasure hunter is suing Forrest Fenn's estate  for $10 million because 1)he didn't get the treasure, and 2) he alleges that it was actually moved after he solved all the clues. Talk about tantrums...

Who was scheduled to get the Covid vaccine early -- and why.  A classic from yours truly. 

Russian dogtroopers practice parachute landings. 

A very cool framing technique for different-sized blocks, courtesy of  Jordan Fabrics. This Youtuber has some verrrrry interesting ideas:

The 19 oldest surviving photographs -- ever. This Ranker classic is worth pondering.

A classic from yours truly -- 'Living Carefully.'

"Thriving At Rock Bottom," a series by yours truly, as well as Five Ways to Hedge Your Bets.

Ribbon Candy, another idea from  Jordan Fabrics that's perfect for Christmas.

Fifteen free maternity dress patterns -- some of these would work for the more generously-endowed, including a two-seam dress.

A swimmer argues that the Olympics should allow caps that fit more bouncy hairdos, like Afros. This is silly. Let her wear it! I'd always thought the formfitting caps were supposed to reduce drag and let you swim faster. If she can do it faster with this cap on...why not?

Ten wonderful Fred Astaire dance scenes.

Have a great week. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.