Sunday, July 25, 2021

Monday Stuff On The Way to Other Stuff: Persevere

     That's what you do in the summer, isn't it, when you can't go away much...

The truck, poor baby, is parked, waiting to be worked on. Which means we stay home, unless we must go... then it means borrowing somebody's vehicle. Which we both hate to do. 

     On the plus side, we're getting some needed jobs done. On the negative, it's too hot to bake (the oven heats up the trailer too much), and nothing looks that good to eat, either, except maybe ice cream.

    Or is that a positive?

Instead of crash dieting, "eat like your grandma," says this Indian diet guru. "Crash dieting is like a fling with a bad boy. Even when you are in it, you know it's not going to work long-term."

Olympic gold in swimming -- for a Tunisian!  (The U.S. got third.) What's fascinating about this -- Ahmed Hafnaoui barely qualified for the final. Then he beat everyone. 

Nearly 30 students released, after bandits kidnapped 121 students from Bethel Baptist High School in Nigeria.  (Money was apparently involved.) What about the rest?

Ten unintentional time capsules...including stores (with their contents intact) locked for decades.  (From Listverse) Here's another strange one:

Ten historical finds that still haven't been explained.

A fake rockstar -- who almost got away with a world tour.   (Actually, his band did a few gigs...with almost no audience.) Anna Sorokin would be proud.

Some funny (and stinging) Ronald Reagan quotes. including:

"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards. If you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book."

And if you liked those...some very funny political quotes, including Mark Twain:

"Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."

Ever thought about going gray? Andie McDowell now refers to herself as a "silver fox." And she's right!

Take a look at this CNN headline: incredible. Yes, it's via the Babylon Bee...but it's not all satiric!

Paul McCartney's new music video shows him as "young" again.  (Look in the mirror, Sir Paul. You're still 79 years old.) 

One of our Team USA gymnasts lands a historic first. Unfortunately, she's not been doing quite as well in the Olympics the past few days. Go, Simone!

A Toronto woman gets home from work -- only to find a guy cooking supper, and wearing her clothes. Ummm...he left wearing them, too. (The clothes, that is.)

A new appraising show is coming -- for rock-and-roll-themed collectibles.

The 'Five Frugal Things' onoing feature from One Frugal Girl.  These are fun to read - and will inspire you.

Starting a lasagna garden -- an easy 'layered' way to start a new spot.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Pulled pork barbecue flatbread pizza?  Sign me up, please.

Lesser-known facts about the American Revolution. Including Black loyalist regiments, formed by escaped slaves.

Busses are leaving crammed from Texas towns. Fleeing citizens, right? Nope -- illegal migrants the government doesn't know what to do with.

The cave of an exiled king -- just rediscovered.

Newest finds -- ancient weapons.  (Thanks, Listverse)

Five steps to a cleaner bathtub, using everyday ingredients.

Is there a market correction coming in the second half of this year? 

A national poll report says that the 2020 election had the most errors in 40 years, and numbers for Trump (vs Biden's numbers) were consistently underreported. But they don't know why, so they can't make recommendations for the next election...

    What a strange article And no, it's not from FoxNews, either. Read it for yourself here.

Some amazing (and valuable) things found in thrift stores.

Ten lost-and-found stories.  (From Listverse)

My grandma's 'secret' sugar cookie recipe. A classic from yours truly. 

And just because it's quirky and kinda fun: JC Brooks and Uptown Sounds' Sister Ray Charles:

Homemade flour tortillas.  (Thanks, Mavis at One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Have a great week. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.