Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sick -- And Tired

     I woke up with a sore throat earlier this week. It must have been the fault of running the air conditioning all the time...right?

The AC must have heard me -- because it broke down shortly after that. Peeved at being blamed for what has turned into a case of summer flu, no doubt. We've got all the windows open, and our little fan going like crazy. I can't tell if it's hot or REALLY hot -- this fever won't let me.


I try not to cough all night. It keeps the Brick up -- and he has been wonderful about trying to get the AC up and going again. (In a trailer in the summer heat, this is of primary importance. In fact, he's up on the roof now, banging away and buzzing away with the drill.) 

And of course, this we've gotten plenty of phone calls that require me to speak. Which not only hurts, but is probably ensuring I'll lose my voice. (A genetic tendency: I used to get laryngitis twice a year, in the fall and in the spring.) Life seems a little gloomy right now -- but I think it's the flu talking, not me.

Gripe, moan and complain.  Bill Cosby's "sick and tired" -- that's me. 

A little rest -- and hooking up with Godzilla vs Kong. It should help. So will seeing both girlies (and hopefully Son #1) this weekend...we miss them very much. 

P.S. The Brick got the AC up and running again, temporarily. ("WD40," he said.) It should last until the replacement motor gets here on Friday.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.