Monday, July 19, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Wishing and Hoping

 ...for cooler air. I keep thinking of fall -- but more because the temperatures will even out, than I really want summer to be over. We have had daytime temps so hot the plants are cringing. Then it cools down enough at night that you have hope again. 

    Tonight, I went over to our landlord's house to do some work...and was stopped by the Brick. "Did you hear that?" he said. Something was screaming, over and over. Not Bigfoot. (Darn - voice was too high-pitched.) A mountain lion, we think. Needless to say, the dogs got hustled into the trailer -- and so did we. Mountain lions attack people out here, too.

    I have plans this week to Finish Everything, then go back to clearing out cupboards and getting ready to install a desk along one wall. The truck is still in the shop -- and should be all week. Which means, unless we borrow a vehicle, we stay home. 

Any inflation rises you've seen? They're "expected" and only "temporary." That's straight from President Biden's mouth, after inflation averaged a 5.4% jump IN JUNE. Mr. President, can you define "temporary," please?

Very funny teacher comments on student tests.  (Thanks, Ranker.)

Ever heard of Cow Tail candy?  Here's your chance to get it for discount, thanks to Amazon Warehouse Deals.

A girl's backpack gets stuck in the schoolbus doors, then she is dragged for several blocks. The Brick used to be a school bus driver -- this would be one of his worst nightmares. Why in the world didn't the driver look up (or look around) at the obvious movement outside the door??? (The girl survived, but needed several surgeries.)

Thieves caught -- because an appraiser did her job. (I posted this on Facebook earlier.)

Weird Al playing 'Classical Gas.'

The oldest bottle of whiskey in the world just sold for $137,000 -- more than six times the appraised estimate!

The prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden 'happened' to stop before the 2020 election period. I'm sure that was totally by accident...

Seventeen vegetables you can harvest in 60 days or less.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

An Egyptian linen mystery -- two pieces, held in museums continents apart, match up...and tell an interesting story. 

The Taliban offers a ceasefire -- in return for prisoners released. 

Judge Judy's son is putting out his own lawsuit -- against the man who keeps suing him. This is complicated, but interesting.

In the fall, mental health 911 calls in Chicago will now have a mental health worker and a paramedic sent in response...instead of a policeman. (How many mental health workers and paramedics will be killed? Inquiring minds sure to keep track. I will.)

Some very funny kids' names for everyday objects. (Like "weiner pants" for jeans!) 'We used to have great fun in serving our older daughter mashed potatoes and "grabie."

The police pulled him over for no front license plate on his car -- then found his WISCONSIN license was suspended. But this Minnesota legislator still insists that his stop was 'racially profiled.' The officer's boss had this to say:

‘I was shocked to hear that driver accuse the sergeant of making the stop based on race,’ he wrote, ‘These aren’t accusations I take lightly, so I looked into the traffic stop, watched the body worn camera footage and spoke to the sergeant. This stop, made at about 1.20 in the morning, had absolutely nothing to do with the driver’s race. What it did involve was a public servant doing what the community asks of him . . . Simply put, the traffic stop was by the books. What happened afterwards was anything but.’

He continued, ‘I’m dismayed and disappointed by the state representative’s response to the stop. Rather than taking responsibility for his own decisions and actions, he attempted to deflect, cast aspersions and deny any wrongdoing. At the Saint Paul Police Department, we work hard to be fair, to treat everyone with respect and to lead by example. We also take responsibility for our actions. When we make mistakes, we own them and try to fix them. It’s what our community expects of its public servants. The driver, an elected official who does not dispute driving without a front license plate, owes our sergeant an apology.’

Hmmm. Have we ever heard this before...I'm sure you won't be surprised to see this gets even messier. 

And yet none of it is the Representative's fault. You know -- This is all the "product of the campaign to silence an American African man who speaks out against powerful and abusive interest." Ooh. Did the PAAI make him forget to renew his license in WI, instead of Minnesota, where he's required to live? 

       I'm voting for mind control here. Why not -- it's just as good a reason as any he's given, so far.

Some very funny tweets, courtesy of Ranker.

\U-166 -- the only German WWII submarine (so far, at least) found near Louisiana. We watched an amazing documentary:   Nazi Attack on America (Nova)

Charles Robinson, that wonderful presence in the tv series Night Court, has died. I have loved watching him do his stuff over the years. A great, but surprisingly underrated actor.

These people complied with what was required of them -- sort of.  (From Listverse)

Advice for the People Running Biden...from JP.  He's got some good points -- especially about 'spontaenous' questions asked by reporters during press conferences! 

(I'd laugh harder if some of this didn't seem so true,)

Ten lesser-known traitors, who were still just as bad.  (Thanks, Listverse) Also:

Ten wacky things New Zealanders loveHey, I LIKE Marmite!

'Defund the police' -- then spend $70,000 on private security for yourself. This legislator isn't the only one, either. And guess who's paying for it...whoo-hoo, campaign funds!

'Dental Assistant Runs Amuck.' How often do you read a headline like that?

Ten humans and animals were frozen -- and survived.  Another gem from Listverse.

Five secrets from a former timeshare salesperson.

Haupia cream pie -- from Hawaii.

Bigfoot, cartoon-style.  A classic from yours truly. 

A backstage look at Fred Astaire.  (Yes, I am a big fan.) And if you're curious about his best-known dancing partner Ginger Rogers, here's the scoop on her.

Weird Al Yankovic-- "Foil."  (He's parodying "Royals" by Lorde -- but I like his version better. Especially the lizard at the end.)

Have a great week.

                                                     wishing it was raining again here...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.