Friday, December 30, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Frugal Hits & Misses: December Report
We didn't live in the fifth-wheel this month.
Nope, we weren't shivering out in the field either, huddled over a campfire. Instead, our friends asked us to move into their basement for the winter. That meant an easier time doing wash, and more room to cook. But we also had to lug in our stock of canned goods, so they wouldn't freeze. Some things are still in the fifth-wheel, which we're using primarily for extra space and storage. But mostly we're now in the house...which feels surprisingly weird.
We did have fun cutting our own tree out in the boonies, then putting it up. We indulged in candy and baked goodies, and watched a lot of holiday movies, including the Brick's favorite (snort): Hallmark Christmas-themed movies. This time was much-needed.
Other than 3" or so, it's been a mostly-brown Christmas around here. But even while I'm typing, it's supposed to snow any minute. Update: This solved itself on the 29th with A FOOT of wet, heavy snow. Smaller cars were abandoned all over, and several roads closed, including a chunk of I-25. (The cars would stall, blocking the road so no one could get by them.)
I've been writing these monthly reports for more than six years! Amazing. They remain some of my most popular posts. I've been blogging, though, since 2007 -- FIFTEEN years. Where has the time gone?? THANK YOU, Gentle Readers, for hanging out with me, and sharing your lives, as well. I count you as special friends.
(Some of these were from late November)
*Decorations were minimal -- I pretty much used what I had, with a few exceptions. (See below) I find it amusing that the ceramic Christmas trees for the girlies (found last year at the thrift shop in Michigan) are trendy now -- and have quadrupled in price! (Our local thrift shop featured a 'cheap' one -- $59.95 -- which sold quickly.)
*I didn't feel the need to go shopping at the mall (or elsewhere)...because I enjoyed reading about others' experiences. (Like this entry from Thrifty of my favorites. I'm not a big 'crowds' person, anyways.) Walmart and Dollar Tree were about the extent of shopping, except for some items online or at the thrift shop.
*Helped our kids break down their booth at the Rocks & Rails show -- and got some pizza slices. (Breakfast -- and a snack!)
*Free dozen eggs. (Safeway.) The price on generic eggs is back up to $5.98. (sigh) Free bag of Tostitos. (King Soopers) Other free items: a can of Manwich sandwich filling (?? it was in the 'free' bin) and water pistols & super soakers for each Christmas stocking. (Treasures thrift shop) A small pair of nice-quality scissors found at the Rocks & Rails show. Used crumbs made from homemade and left-behind rolls to make the annual Sachertorte, and a batch of crab cakes. (Both tasted great.)
*Baked holiday goodies, including: peanut butter cookies, Seven-Layer Bars (one of my mother-in-law's favorites), Russian tea cakes...and Sachertorte. Used pretty much what I already had, except for purchases of butter (on sale) and eggs (not).
*Gave Advent 'calendars' to each of the kid sets...stocking up on small presents throughout the year, then wrapping enough for one each during the holidays. I used to do this for The Mama, and thought the kids might enjoy it, too. (Our honorary grandson got his own Advent dinosaur calender.).
*For friends, we gave gifts I'd set aside earlier in the year -- including videos and a pair of gloves, Downtown Abbey-style. Sometimes we used Amazon Warehouse purchases for gift baskets.
*Pulled some things from the present box for our own use, including candy and candles. Just for fun, I double-checked prices on some of the Amazon purchases over the year...and was sooo grateful I'd purchased some things early. Many of these have gone up 33-200% or even 300% in price. (Ouch.)
*Women's Christmas concert at Creekside Bible Church -- $10. Dropped off a donation while I was there, and saved on postage. Also -- a wonderful candlelight concert our friends covered.
*Had a friend pick up library books on hold when I couldn't make it into town before the expired date. (I return the favor when she's out of town.)
*Red Robin gift cards -- for each $25 we spent, we got a $5 bonus card to use later. Considering I knew we were going to watch the Michigan/TCU Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Eve, it was a no-brainer. Update: Booo, Michigan lost, 51-45. (We love this place for its great burgers and neverending fries. And we can watch our favorite sports at the same time! Honest confession: I believe in RR so much, I own stock, too.)
*Got paid for working the election. Finally.
*Library booksale room -- BOGO sale -- whoo hoo! Got a batch of books for winter reading, plus videos to send to our nieces and nephews. Bought some at regular price, too.
*Bought some more very reasonably-priced (thanks to 'Best Offer') photo postcards, including this one of my buddette, Baby Doe Tabor.
* I also used my allowance to get a tablecloth full of Dickens characters. Eventually these will probably be a quilt back. The price? Less than half of the initial asking bid on Ebay.
*Didn't run out of gas in the spite of it getting very low. Diesel, if you run dry, needs a complicated process to get it running properly again. I came too close for comfort, according to the Brick. (I won't do that again.)
*Took it easy for our anniversary: neither of us felt like going out in the cold. I'd bought a roast ($4.77/pound). Half went in the freezer; the other half became a roast beef supper with potatoes and carrots and a generous topping of fried onions and mushrooms.
Plus a wrestling movie: Legendary. (We'll celebrate next week, when we feel more up to it.)
*A fancy Lord & Richards event at Highlands Ranch Mansion. (This is the same place I wrote about -- and the Brick photographed -- for the Ghosts & Legends book.) A nice dinner and magic show.
*Leftover food from friends who went out of town, including yogurt, cream, pickles, eggs and cheese. (Unfortunately, this also got us hooked on cream in our coffee. Yum.)
*Sale items from Sams Club. A few bucks saved here and there, done consistently, can really add up.
*More appraisals done...the current batch is almost cleaned up. Working on some quilt restoration.
*The Brick saved $6/month on my new insurance plan. (My old provider, Bright Health, no longer serves Colorado.) Just nine months to go, and I can switch to Medicare -- which should save us more.
*Cut our own Christmas tree -- $22.50 for a permit up in the mountains. (Plus a 1 1/4 hour drive each way.) Used our friends' lights and stand, with some tinsel and a few ornaments added. (Our tree things are in Michigan, apparently.)
*Half price on all Christmas items at the thrift shop! I bought a large wreath for $4.50, several DVDs for a buck each, and restocked my cards. (Ruby got two 'new' blankets for $5, less 20% discount.) When Christmas items went to 75% off, I went back for more, including mugs, more videos and some ornaments for the tree. Plus: a $1.25 decoration from Dollar Tree. (What can I say - the Hollander blood runs strong this time of year.)
*Hotel costs refunded from a cancelled gig. I wasn't expecting it, but the extra is welcome.
*No Black Friday purchases...the mixed nuts and ham were my only Cyber Monday purchase.
*Books restocked at our local Safeway -- with Ghosts & Legends happily on top! I hope they sell like crazy.
*We currently have access to a dishwasher -- the Brick loves this! I appreciate the kitchen sink less stacked with dishes waiting to be washed. (This was his anniversary present, years ago -- that he would do most of the dishwashing. One of the best gifts I've ever gotten.
*Cut back on out-of-town gift giving. Sent cards, instead. Only sent four packages -- all media rate.
*Used a Groupon for a discount Japanese hibachi dinner with friends. Yum. Also lunch with friends (and more Ticket to Ride) -- homemade ham/cheese calzones.
*Christmas dinner and the Seven Fish Dishes, with the kids. Plus Christmas brunch with friends. It is soooo nice to spend time with them. Yes, I bought some extra luxuries... but sharing food helped with costs, especially the Seven Fish Dishes.
*Sold some stock at a profit -- right after I got a nice dividend on it. (I'll probably buy it back...but at a lower price. Meanwhile, I purchased other stock after the market tanked just before Christmas.) The rest of my stocks are still low...or barely making anything.
*Cashback on the credit cards -- $60 and change this month -- for purchases we'd already planned to make! Tip: When they offer a higher percentage than usual at a particular store, or on a specific month -- use that card. It adds up.
*The Brick did several jobs for our ranching friends, including repairing their furnace. These would have cost considerably more than just materials. We also did some cleaning and tidying-up.
*Beautiful leafy trim, perfect for decorating and use on Crazy quilts - about 35 cents a yard in a 20-yard spool. I ordered both green and multicolor. (Amazon, including free shipping.)
*Saw a wonderful movie for $5 each. If you enjoy military movies and flying sequences, you'll love Devotion.
*Grocery bargains: canned peaches $1.25, marshmallow creme and marshmallows. (Dollar Tree) Sardines (nearly 4 oz) for 85 cents each; smoked salmon (approx. $9/lb -- a steal, compared to even Walmart's $21 or so); mixed nuts (no peanuts) for 35 cents an ounce; pistachios for 48 1/2 cents an ounce. Also found maple syrup (we were almost out) and York Peppermint Patties at surprisingly low prices. (Amazon Warehouse) Note: When I checked the peppermint patties an hour or two later, intending to recommend them -- the price was up $3! I almost bought 'sale' cashews, as well -- until realizing that Sam's Club had them even cheaper. Checking against Walmart's and Sam's Club websites is always a good idea.
I also got Goya ham via Amazon at $5.58 for a pound can -- but had to buy a 12-pk case to get this price. It made sense, though, when I checked -- Walmart was selling Spam for only 75 cents less. (Spam???) Some of these hams were used for Christmas presents for the kids, and some were combined with homemade loaves of bread as gifts.
We never did buy a turkey. Prices stayed high -- and got higher after Thanksgiving. Needless to say, very few people were buying it. Literally.
*Averaged using 4-10 cans of storage food a week from our pantry. Half-price Rice Krispies (colored bright orange, for Halloween) made interesting and delicious rice krispies squares. The hambone from November's ham made a fine split pea soup. A Japanese stirfry with noodles made good soup, too, by adding a few bouillon cubes and a shot of soy sauce.
*Brought our own coffee with when we went out to church or errands. I like the Brick's coffee far better than the commercial stuff, anyways. Out to eat rarely, as well. (We've been saving a surprising amount of money this way.
*Yoda, our friend's dog, kept Ruby company for a few days. Both Rubes and Y. (known as the 'Pupsqueak,' thanks to the Brick) were surprisingly chill.
*Wasted a cucumber; it and some mashed potatoes stayed too long in the fifth-wheel fridge. (Ewwww) Lost a half-gallon of milk when it 'leaped' out of the truck and smashed on the ground. (Ruby tried her best to help clean it up.)
*Had two orders partially cancel -- even when they said the sale item(s) were in stock. (I made sure that we got the partial refunds.) This included Christmas 'crackers' -- fortunately, Daughter #1 had some. (Which we forgot to use for the dinner!)
*Ordered some candy we didn't need -- but enjoy especially during the holidays: Turkish Delight (5% discount) and Mozart Kugeln. Just for fun, I also ordered some liquor-filled chocolate bottles for dessert at the Seven Fish Dishes. These weren't on sale -- but I did get the best price per piece possible.
*Broke a jar of the "free" salsa. What a mess. (So glad it cleaned up without staining.)
*Medical bills and prescriptions. Fortunately minor ones.
*Renewed my membership in ASA (American Society of Appraisers) -- $655. Ouch. Paid six months of insurance on the truck and fifth-wheel. Double ouch. At least it's paid.
*Ordered two boxes of Brownie fudge M & Ms for the Brick....and a box of Almond Snickers for me. Pieces per box: 24. I am a bad kitty. (At keast they were on sale.)
*Bought more cream for our coffee, inspired by some left from our friends. (Shame on you, Margaret, for getting us hooked on this! :)
*Paid for the rest of the spring cruise. Tried to pay for plane tickets. (The Brick found them at much less than we'd expected...then the order was cancelled by Delta, who wrote they were closing out their 'economy' section. What the?!?) BUT -- found another special, this time on Frontier. We'll take the redeye, and may not get seats assigned together ('What the???' again...), but the grand total was $343 and change for both our roundtrips, Denver to Miami. Thank you, God...and thank you, Frontier!
Last month's report is here. Last year's December report is here -- plus one from 2020.
Enjoy what's left of the holidays -- they'll be gone again before you know it.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Overheard at Walmart (Via Quora):
Not that I've ever wondered about this...
I was in Walmart using the restroom. Just as I closed my stall door, a voice from the next stall said, “Hi! How are you?” Embarrassed... I said, “I’m aight!!" The voice said, "So what are you up to?” I said, “Ummm... Just trying to handle a little private business over here!” Then I hear, “Can I come over?” Annoyed... I said “Excuse me?!?!." Then the voice said, “Listen, I will have to call you back, there’s an idiot in the next stall answering all my questions!"
Monday, December 26, 2022
Forty-One Years of Dec. 26. Hard to believe!
Happy Anniversary to the man I love. My life would be a dull and boring thing without you, indeed.
I cherish you.
Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Resting Up From Christmas
Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
We sang for Christmas Eve, then warbled a bit for friends who had to stay home. Christmas Day, we went to church, had brunch with friends...then spent the evening with Daughter #2 and Son #1 in their cabin up in the mountains. A cold wind roared through the trees, and it was starting to snow. Inside, it was cozy inside, with a fire going. ('I don't think the raccoons are in the chimney anymore,' Son #1 said. 'But I made a small fire at first, just in case.' !!!!!) A railroad train spun its way around their tree, and Granddog Freya was full of feisty energy.
We rattled our way home, filled with smoked turkey, mashed potatoes, a chocolate or two...and our kids' love. It was just what we needed.
Donna Freedman's Christmas experience -- and her first tree.
'Easy Budget Recipes' - an interesting blog I' just found.
A Christmas dinner for six: a bit over $20, thanks to Dollar Tree items. Maybe this will come in handy for New Year's.
Some of the best videos of 2022 -- including a close call with a Great White...and a very foolish diver.
Hell DID freeze over at Christmas this year! Hell, Michigan, that is...
Getting stuck in a Target because of a blizzard. It actually sounds like fun.
'Posset' -- an old-fashioned creamy dessert. (From Masterpieces of My Life)
Arctic sea smoke -- on Lake Michigan near Chicago.
Record food bank lines in Phoenix. It's estimated that residents there are averaging $900 more in expenses monthly than two years ago. Mr. President... any comments?
'Respected' artists who acted like jerks. Speaking of that...
The 'Moriarty of Fakers' buddy, an art dealer, is charged with the "theft of the century."
Investment winners and losers of 2022. (From White Coat Investor)
Casa Bonita, a Denver landmark, is reopening finally -- in May 2023!
Elf on a shelf display ideas -- and boy, are they rude.
Do you have trouble with your ears on plane flights? Here are some tips that might help...this is an ongoing issue in our high-altitude state.
Funny signs -- and no jumping from page to page to read them.
Chicken potpie soup -- with a clever topping idea.
Ten best soups of the year -- some really good ones!
English plum pudding -- the recipe, plus an intriguing story of how it saved a ship.
A message for others who no longer have their parents here for Christmas. We can relate. With The Mama's death in January, we're now both orphans.
How the latest blizzard hit South Dakota truck drivers. (Yes, it was bad, especially for the Dakotas...but it certainly wasn't the Worst Ever, in spite of the weather pundits' announcements.)
One of my favorite bloggers, Jeannie of Get Me to the Country, just lost her beloved Scooter. I have so enjoyed reading about adventures from his viewpoint. (I can relate more than most -- we lost our beloved Charley only a few weeks after The Mama died.) Jeannie is going through the same heartbreak. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Ah friend, I have tears in my eyes, typing this...
The Republican counter-report to the Jan. 6 committee report. (Two of the five were supposed to sit on the committee until Nancy Pelosi refused; the other three resigned in protest.) According to this one, there's somembody else who should be held accountable for her activities before and after Jan. 6. Hmmm...
Kari Lake wins her opportunity in court. I don't know what to think about this. Generally I'd say, 'Suck it up and accept the results.' But there were definitely some odd things happening in the Arizona elections -- including one candidate being the official 'certifier' for election results. And I have found Lake quite interesting (and intelligent). Does she have a chance? Is she right?? That I can't tell.
Ten 'foreign' foods that are actually American inventions/variations.
Ten reviews by unhappy tourists visiting Colorado. (They're actually quite funny - for those of us who live here.) Like these gems:
Rocky Mountain National Park: "Too many rocks! Too many mountains! The mountains were too big. Didn't see any wildlife. A total lack of fast food options," 1 star, Alex F.
The Great Sand Dunes National Park: "We thought this would be a fun family trip. Sand got everywhere. It was super hot, and we couldn't find a single refreshment stand. Cell phone coverage was horrible," 1 star, Jeffery F.
Good. Maybe that will mean fewer tourists in 2023!
The JFK assassination files are finally released.
Some very funny airline pilot announcements.
Archaeological discoveries from 2022 -- and there are some doozies.
Colorado drivers will get to pay $29 extra on their license fees...if they so choose. (It CAN be declined.)
On that cheerful note... stay warm, and have a great week.
Merry Christmas!
Our Savior... born to save the world.
Including me...and you. I'm so grateful.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Things I Don't Understand: The Yuletide Version
I've been here before, but there are so many weirdnesses and "awww" moments that pop up during the holidays. Here, for your amusement, are a bunch of Christmas Things I Don't Understand.

Monday, December 19, 2022
Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Christmas, Here We Come!
The tree's up, with lights. (No decorations, but it's still beautiful.) Cookies and other goodies in progress. Movies watched. Presents need wrapping.
Welcome, the last week of Christmas. But I still have work to finish up.
P.S. To the very nice man who not only waited to hold the door for me at Taco Bell, but announced he did it because I was "pretty and had a beautiful smile" -- you made my day, fella. I've been smiling about it ever since.
A review of Diors' $3500 Advent calendar -- and it ain't pretty.
Homesteading tasks checklist for the winter.
Rosemary -- for free! (Start your own seedlings, thanks to Anya the Garden Fairy.)
Historical artifacts we're still not sure about. A number of little-mentioned pieces covered here, including a Viking era penny discovered in Maine.
Incredibly ridiculous scammers, courtesy of Bored Panda. (Hey guys, keep it up and you can graduate to Quora!)
Homemade pools -- with a twist.
What would have happened to the U.S. if Nazi Germany had won WWII? Some ideas, based on Hitler's actual words. (Shades of The Man in the High Castle.)
Making 'apple' pie... out of green pumpkin? Laura Ingalls Wilder's mom did it... (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)
Oberlin College FINALLY gives up, and pays $25 (or $36) million to the bakery they tried so hard to destroy. Go here for background -- from the family that ran the bakery.
Our revered Transportation Secretary may be yelling at us about minimizing our 'carbon imprint' on the climate. But he's continuing his use of private jets -- at least 18 flights since taking office.
(The score for John Kerry -- 48 trips.)
The comedian who spent ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS on a quinceanera -- for his chihuahua.
John Jones and the Nutty Putty cave. A very sad story.
'White Christmas' movie facts. One of the movies we watched last week -- and one of my favorites, remembered from kidhood.
Levis pulled from a shipwreck sell for $114,000 at auction. (Granted, they're early 19th century, from the S.S. Central America. Early Brooks Brothers undershirts sold for $1,000 each.)
'Have you ever found anything valuable hidden inside an antique you purchased?' Another intriguing Quora question, along with:
'Even if you're broke, what's the one thing you can always afford?'
A suspect in the Lockerbie plane bombing is finally arrested. After 34 years.
Have a great week. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Ruby Is Gone
She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...

I really don't understand this. But from Julie Silber's FB page, here's the mention of Laura Shaw's quilt-- Following CENSO...
What a July -- a huge amount of credit card bills, thanks to truck repairs and the letters . Hot weather: on one trip north, we experience...
I loved this cheerful, engaging quilt when it first was publicized in 1994. Jonathan Shannon used a two-pronged approach: it celebrate...