Sunday, May 15, 2022

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Blue (er, Red) Moon

 Did you see the blood moon lunar eclipse Sunday night? We thought we were supposed to miss it, here in our part of Colorado. When the Brick took Ruby out for an evening run, he said, "Come out here -- quick!" 


It's back to its bright white self now. I always thought of a reddish eclipse as an autumn thing, i.e. a "hunter's moon," but it's springtime. Nobody's hunting, while the animals are having babies, and birds are nesting.


Another old story of a Civil War era quilt stolen and returned. (From Material Culture)

Ten people who didn't become famous until after their death.

Standing up to the mob -- gutsy. Very gutsy. 

Lessons learned from Bill Gates -- a classic from years back by yours truly. Obviously Bill didn't learn much from his own life lessons, considering his current messy family situation. But at least he was famous before he died, right?

BLM's co-founder has a reporter show up at her home, asking questions -- and promptly accuses her of 'harassing' her, sobbing, "I need my family to be safe." Unfortunately (or fortunately), the reporter taped the incident, showing exactly how calm and non-harassing she was. In fact, the reporter never got further than the very forbidding security guard/gate. Yoo hoo, Ms. Cullors -- what about the BLM supporters you sent to protest outside people's homes -- much more violently? How safe do you suppose those people felt? Not that this would ever happen...

Famous lines -- made up right on the spot. 

Jef Bezos, head of Amazon, asks the disinformation board to check President Biden's latest tweet for truthfulness. Know why? Because Biden said that big corporations like Amazon aren't paying their fair share in tax -- and THAT'S why we have inflation. (Don't forget ultra-MAGA and Putin, either.) 

     Why is this suddenly important for Bezos, that Biden is being truthful? As the Brick would say, "Now you've come to meddlin'..."

Fred Ward died. I've loved the movie work of this talented actor.

Bacon brownies -- using bacon fat!  (From Cheap RV Living)

Or, if you like, eat what Queen Elizabeth eats -- chocolate cake, with dark chocolate and peaches for a snack.

Sequins and birdwings for Harry Styles -- I don't want to talk about it. 

Living on cruise ships a way to save money? I have thought about it...

Very funny test answers from kids. And yes, they're occasionally vulgar.

Steak and a caprese salad -- without tomatoes, that is -- for lunch. Every day. At more than $77 a pop. Well, Anna Wintour, you do know how to live it up, don't you...

New York's governor says the governor's mansion is...well, haunted. 

Did you realize that protesting at judges' homes -- ANY judges, including the Supreme Court -- is illegal? Why is the Attorney General allowing this to continue?

A novelist's essay, explaining why she plagiarized parts of her new novel, is ALSO plagiarized! Well, at least she's consistent, I guess.

Expenses for kids, how much to spend on engagement rings...and other stuff.  (From the White Coat Investor)

No experience, an unconscious pilot -- and the passenger lands the plane. 

Forty ways to Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, or Do Without.  (From Harvest Lane Cottage)

Brazilians are building another Very Large Statue of Jesus.  'Christ the Protector' is in progress -- and set to be even  than the other famous Brazilian statue

Christ the Protector

Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro)

Speaking of art -- a Botero painting is headed for auction. This 'rare opportunity' is there, if you enjoy the full-breasted-and-backsided look of Fernando Botero's work. Estimate is $1.2-1.8 million USD. Chump change. (I paid more attention to Botero's work, after Jeffrey Archer rhapsodized about him in the Prison Diaries.)

'What's your favorite struggle meal/frugal food that actually fills you up?" Quorans hold forth. (Yes, I participated. The links are good, too.)

Where to watch movies for free!  (We take advantage of a lot of these, thanks to the cleverness of the Brick.)

Nope, this never happens -- but somehow 104 mail-in ballots are found abandoned on an L.A. sidewalk.

Fluffy banana pancakes. The secret ingredient: vinegar!

Blackrod:  Banging on the door with a staff to open a Parliament session???

'Noble' actions that turned out to be huge screw-ups.  Also from Ranker:

Twenty-five loved people, spots and things--  that started out as accidents.

Breakfast for dinner -- thanks, Betty Crocker.

One of Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe paintings just sold -- $170 million. 

Winning strawberry recipes -- from a contest sponsored by Trader Joe's. (More contest winner links on the same page.)

No, Kamala Harris did NOT require -- or ask -- that her Superheroes book be included in migrant kids' welcome packs.   A few made it there -- but they were donated.

One of the most joyful, upbeat Money Diaries ever written -- by a woman whose spirit and determination I admire very much. (Hint: She makes a heck of a lot less than most of the people who post here.)

A huge bunch of extremely funny stories -- funny if you've got contact with kids, that is.

Ten imposters who tried to hijack a life that wasn't really theirs. (And got away with it -- for a while, at least.)

A big fight over Judy Garland's dress from The Wizard of Oz.  Who's going to win?

Extreme frugality -- 'using all the bits.'  (From Donna Freedman)

An anonymous donor pays off the debt of the entire graduating class at a college in Texas -- some $300,000. Good for them!

Yet another body discovered in Lake Mead. Messy. 

Have a good week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...