Monday, May 30, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Memorial Day

     Hopefully your Memorial Day weekend has been a restful one.

 I keep wondering -- The Mama was a stickler for putting fresh flowers on my dad's grave, as well as her parents' and grandparents' memorials, for Memorial Day. I put artificial flowers out before we left Michigan in March. Did anyone put fresh ones on the folks' and ancestors' graves this year? 

It has been uneventful around here -- but a little wary and tense, as well. We are in a strange situation that hopefully will resolve itself this week. This makes dealing mentally with the Texas shootings and other uncertainties...interesting, to say the least. 

     Meanwhile, we work on this and that to keep busy. It helps keep you from thinking too much. Someday I will explain this -- but not now. At least we are home, in Colorado. That is a blessing, though I miss our Michigan family. 

More on the Indianapolis: sunk in 1945, found again in 2017...and the 'missing' sailors who were actually buried at sea.

Weird UFO encounters you probably haven't heard about. 

Holly Hobbie marches to the Bicentennial. A classic on an antique fabric, from yours truly. 

The wedding prank that backfired -- big-time. Never 'object,' unless you truly mean it!

Think you're having trouble dealing with increased expenses? Look at the pensioners who are doing it -- on fixed incomes. 

Seven tips for paying off your debt -- fast. 

How to make more green at your next yardsale.  (From Liz Weston)

Is a recession coming? Elon Musk thinks so...and he believes it will last 1-2 years. (Actually, I think it's already here.)

The Queen's brooch reappears -- a present for her 21st birthday.  (Fellow appraisers, take note.)

This one, too:  rubies, pink and blue sapphires, dimaonds. A gift for Her Highness' 19th birthday, rarely shown.

Use it up -- a ton of great ideas here on all sorts of items.  (From Thrifty Mom in Boise... who also has a new retirement blog. )

What happened to the Three Brothers pendant? At one point, it was part of the English crown jewels...but disappeared soon after. 

This amazing man. Good for him!

Breakup messages.

A little house transformation: before-and-after photos.

"Did you ever defend someone who really was framed?" I love these quirky question/answers on Quora.

Mosaic stained glass windows. These actually look doable!

Madonna's gross nft art actually sold...but for what seems like another 'fake' currency. (I didn't understand the true value given.) I wonder: how does she explain this artwork to her kids?  And how do they feel about it -- not only now, but ten years from now? 

A lot of crimes in New York City are being done by the same criminals -- over and over and over.

A Missouri school class assignment includes an interesting question about Republicans. 

Helsinki has built a city underneath it -- just in case of a nuclear apocalypse. Shades of Denver's underground city, as mentioned in my book Colorado Curiosities.

A missing Picasso turns up -- shown on the wall behind Imelda Marcos during a documentary. Oops. (It disappeared again soon after.)

Fighting back, during a jewelry store smash-and-grab. It's about time!

Dishes that require little cleanup. Like this slow-cooker sausage stuffing...  (From Food Network)

Grandma's honeymoon outfits, from a trip taken in 1952, turn up. They're still packed in the suitcase she used back then. And they fit her granddaughter perfectly!

Have a good week...may God bless America, and help her do better.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Happy Memorial Day to you!
Just finished reading your link about the Granddaughter trying on her Grandmother's wedding trousseau. I think the grandmother wore the outfits better. She added hats, gloves, and what looked like bright red lipstick. That is classy.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...