Monday, May 9, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Spring/Not Spring/Spring...

 ...and a ton of wind. 

     That may not seem important to you. But when your trailer is rocking so much that even Ruby the dog looks up in's important. 

I do not, Mom!

It's hot, too. Especially for this time of year. Hey, we had snow just a few weeks ago!

     We are smack dab in the middle of strangeness at the ranch -- with at least another week to go. (Maybe two.) This means staying aware of what's around us, taking special care to keep things locked up, and making sure Ruby is nearby. I can't say more right now, but it is one of the stranger situations we've been in, in a year of odd events.

     Meanwhile, we continue to tidy up, make repairs...and I work on appraisals and other things. Oh, and plant seeds too, when the wind dies down.

An interesting light-filled treatment for a tiny 137-square-foot apartment.

"What are the most complimentary words you've overheard about yourself?" Quora people want to know.

The most annoying songs of all time. (And the ones you can't get out of your head, once they're mentioned. You're welcome.)

Rich Strike wins the Kentucky Derby -- at 80-1 odds! 

 Missing person cases with very strange endings.  Speaking of that:

Musings on a weird event -- and more. A classic from yours truly.

"We won't be bullied:" Clarence Thomas. Gutsy.

The night a computer shop owner met Hunter Biden -- and his laptops. (There were actually three. Laptops, that is.)

Forrest Fenn's treasure was hidden in Yellowstone National Park.

'Magic' lemon curd, easy to make -- yummm.  (From Foodtalk)

An interview with the Kendrick brothers -- Christian filmmakers.

Advice Alex Trebek gave that changed a kid's life.   Plus more Jeopardy! trivia.

Underwater ghost stories...and they didn't always need scuba! (This is a great site for ghost stories, to begin with:  Ghosts & Ghouls.

Notecards from fabric scraps -- thank you for the how-to's, Joan Hawley.  (Joan died May 3.)

Not much estate value -- then after a few years in Congress (and a few deals), suddenly a multi-millionaire! I'm sure Stacey Abrams did that accidentally... uh huuuuh.

A $10 ashtray grabbed by a college student from Goodwill sells for WAY more than paid. 

The CDC has been using data from MILLIONS of cellphone to see where we've been going, and what we've been doing.  All supposedly legal-like. How do you feel about this??

Twenty grocery items this blogger doesn't buy -- because she can get them cheap or free. (From My Aundant Life.)

Ten mythical locations -- and the possible entrances that may get you in.

A weird treasure map story -- but it led to $1000 in cash!

One way to help pay for your first home. (No, it won't be easy -- but you'll accomplish what you set out to do.) This SuperSaver story is a little harder to believe -- but hey.

Salisbury Steak Meatballs -- surprisingly easy - and good.

Hundreds of Civil War era artifacts -- found in an old Irish IRA hideout. Including pottery, glass, a pipe...and a shoelace.

A surgeon buys a decorative vase to display in his kitchen, It turns out, a few decades later, that the vase is Qing Dynasty -- and worth nearly $200,000. (The auction will tell.)

Very funny selfie fails. WARNING:  Some of these are vulgar.

How to stop eating out so much -- from Frugalwoods readers.

Ten frugal ways to unwind. (From Len Penzo)

'Vulture investing' -- taking advantage of difficult opportunities. (From Financial Samurai)

P.S. Happy Mother's Day, to all you moms out there!

And have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...