Monday, May 2, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Tired, But Optimistic

      I spent Sunday afternoon with other women who love history -- a DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) luncheon...and had a wonderful time talking about Colorado's odd people, places and things. (And appreciating their kindness to a wild-eyed enthusiast of the Strange and Weird.) It was great fun. 

      We'll spend this week continuing to cope with some 'interesting' situations here at the ranch -- plus finishing off several deadlines. It alternates around here between looming winter temps, including spits of snow -- and warm, luxurious spring-y days. Won't Spring ever make up its mind?


Fast little bunnies, weren't they?  I do wonder whether this was just 'coincidence.'

The story of a famous 'squat' in New York City. (They're trying to clean it up now.)

The price of Jack Nicholson's ax from The Shining? A cool $175,000.

A pizza delivery driver sues his buddies in a lottery pool, because they didn't include him in their million-dollar win. (The fact that he hadn't actually paid for the winning ticket is superfluous, according to him. He meant to.)

Five professors who were 'canceled' -- and fought back. 

A pond feature in your yard-- from a milk crate? Oh yeah, Hometalk.

Ten 'ridiculous' claims -- that aren't.

Five hundred Chevy Corvettes connected with the Indy 500 -- on auction!

Bones in a barrel -- exposed in Lake Mead, thanks to a lowering water level.

An 832-pound bluefin caught off the Florida coast -- it may have broken the state record!

Our buddy, Aidan Hutchinson, will be playing for the Detroit Lions. Just sayin'.

The history behind Liberty Mutual's 'LiMu Emu.' Haven't you wondered?

    (You know...these guys)

Raspberry-lemon breakfast tarts.  Oh my, Betty Crocker.

Choosing not to go into debt -- even when it seems there's no choice. (Obviously, there is! Thanks, Lowell Lane, for explaining.)

What to consider before moving to a foreign country.  (From Penniless Parenting-- who did it, at age 18, and is still there.)

How to get through inflation -- and make it work for you. (From the Frugalwoods) Some good stuff here, though I'm not quite sure that it's partly our fault. (She thinks so.)

Surprising shared ideas between 100 millionaires -- and what we can learn from them. (ESI Money)

What is a recession -- and when is it actually happening? CNN weighs in. (Tip #1: waffle about terms; if you call it a different name, it's not 'inflation' anymore. Tip #2:  make sure you don't say anything certain.)

State rights (particularly Oklahoma's) are on the docket at the Supreme Court right now. 

Twitter account numbers 'magically' go up (and down) after Musk's purchase. What a surprise...

What's that 'empty' space under your backyard...a filled-in swimming pool? Bomb shelter? Or wine cellar?

People who tried to fake it -- but didn't make it. (You have to flip to get to the funniest ones...sorry.)

Very funny mom statements. Like this one:

      Normally, you're told 'Silence is Golden.' Unless you have kids...then it's suspicious.

Living in a 'shoebox' apartment -- how you'd do it.

The British airman  who trained his fellow POWs in judo during WWII.

If you ever wondered about the duo in Somewhere In Time -- yes, they were actually in love with each other in real life. (For a while, anyways. The Brick thought this romantic movie was silly -- but loved the music. I loved both.)

A garbageman treating a discarded American flag with the respect it deserves.

The oldest cold case solved with DNA -- so far, at least. Susan Galvin's family can rest easier, now her 1967 murderer has been implicated. Plus:  the oldest cold cases from every state.

Ten most unusual encounters with most unusual creatures. (Yes, Bigfoot's in there a bit.)

Have a good week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...