Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Free Tickets


Good for him!

We went to an Arlo Guthrie concert once. We were broke college students, but had managed to scrape together enough for 'picnic' admissions. (As in sitting on the ground outside the covered concert stage.)

    It started to rain. I wasn't moving -- we'd paid good money for those tickets! 

    Arlo, who was on song #2 or #3, paused. "What are you doing out in the rain??" he yelled. "Get in here!"  And the hundred or so fellow 'picnic' people cheered, poured into the stage area (the security people looking suitably panicked) and started filling in the empty seats.

     We did, too. It was great! 

 (Thank you for your kindness, Arlo. I've never forgotten it.)

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