Thursday, June 23, 2022

Things I Don't Understand: The Grand Miscellany

 I love these...but they're starting to pile up in the files again. So in the interest of clearing away a bunch of Truly Weird Items That Don't Seem to Go With Anything Else, here are:

Things I REALLY Don't Understand. 

Think of it as a buffet, with lots of strange side dishes. And maybe some ketchup. 

(I checked the website -- and am sorry I did. It looks like a crime scene.)

Why not... we argue about everything else.

I guess that complements this 70s haircutting guide:

I knew guys in high school like Mr. Bowtie in the bottom row.

I used to substitute teach at the local high school. 
The halls would REEK with this stuff.
(In my day, it was Brut. I still don't like that smell.)

Serves the little brat right.

I found John Wayne in my bed once...visiting a friend who enjoyed 
collecting celebrity life-sized cutouts. (Thanks, Ami)

On to a murder of crows. (That's a group, by the way.)

I told you this was going to be a little weird...
Aardvarks named Clark??

And finally:

You wish.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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