Monday, June 13, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Security

      This is a hard  concept to hold onto lately.

*All sorts of strange actions (and accusations) by the guvment, reminiscent of Paul Simon's 'incidents and allegations.' (I especially appreciate knowing that my tax dollars went to pay special effects people and a former tv producer for their work on the current hearings. You bet.) 

*Officials trotting out people/places/things to blame- or pretending our problems aren't happening, instead of working on practical solutions. (I also appreciate Ms. Pelosi trying desperately to keep our attention on the 'Insurrection,' so she doesn't have to deal with other embarrassing issues. Like her husband's DUI -- and the lack of protection for Supreme Court Judges at their homes.) Update: the protection bill passed in the House Tuesday -- with 27 Dems voting 'no.' It's okay, though -- 22 of those members approved their own extra security. 

*Please note: Faithful Readers may assume that since I am refusing to condemn the Jan. 6 protestors, many of whom entered the Capital peacefully that day, that I believe everything Trump said and did during this period was right. I don't think that at all. And I certainly don't think the wackos' extreme actions were justified. (Reading Nancy Pelosi's mail? Wearing buffalo horns and paint? Give me a break.) They're generally in jail -- and they should be.

     On the other hand, to try and argue that Democrats are doing this solely out of a thirst for Truth and Justice seems a little ridiculous. If they were that worried and concerned, they would have held the public hearings much sooner, without all the dramatics. The timing for now is deliberate. Yes, I believe it's being used as a smokescreen, so Congress (yes, Republicans included) doesn't have to focus on the country's other troubles. There are so many agendas and posturings that you could trip on them all the way to the Lincoln Memorial. No one has squeaky-clean hands in this whole affair...Trump included. 

*Dealing with food/product prices that have shot up a heck of a lot more than 8% or more that pundits are crediting inflation for. (Many of our food items alone have gone up as much as ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. Or more. Yow.)

*A long-distance trip in a short time period, from MST to EST, dealing with funeralsmore funerals and family along the way. (Plus a horrendous hail/rainstorm between Omaha and Lincoln, NE. The Brick drove like a champ, but it was terrifying.) 

                    My body still isn't quite sure what time it is.  

*Some absentmindedness. (No doubt helped along by the last-minute long-distance trip.) Forgot to mention Daughter #2 and Son #1 on their anniversary day. (Congrats, you two! Four years of connubial bliss... Your mama loves you both very much.) 

*I added more confusion by showing up A DAY EARLY for a planned movie date with friends...and dragging along another friend, who was a good sport about it all. (We had a visit, instead.)

*And it's hot, sticky and very little rain here. As well as a few other frustrating items on the agenda. (Ironically, appraisal stuff is going very well. It's just the personal items that are perturbing.)

Some of these uncertainties can't be resolved...some can.  I keep reminding myself that regardless, it's all in God's hands. I need to pray. And pry -- as in take my grasping fingers off whenever I try to  claw it all back.


Angel Facchin photo

What would YOU do, if $50 billion suddenly showed up in your bank account?

Mix paint and fabric softener, to give your couch a faux leather look?? This looks surprisingly effective!

Queen Elizabeth is now the second-longest reigning monarch.  She's got a few years yet to beat Louis XIV of France. 

Is LaMDA sentient? One Google engineer says it is. (If you're thinking of're right.) Following is a long 'conversation' the engineer had with LaMDA.

     I do not know precisely what to think about this. The implications, though, are frightening.

Egg salad -- with dill pickles? Why not...

Reinhold Messner DIDN'T leave his brother in the mountains to die. New discoveries prove his innocence. (Now tell that to the people with big mouths who enjoy making accusations they can't prove.)

The weird story of Carol and Johnny, serial bank robbers who got away with it. For a while, at least.

Some easy -- and surprisingly effective clothing hacks, using hair ties.

One woman's ongoing crusade to combat rising grocery prices. (You go, My Tireless Retirement!)

Also:  Seven types of groceries that just broke sale price records. (This doesn't even include some of the items we've noticed.)

Slow-cooker meals for summer nights. 

Supermarkets with discounts for seniors!  

How the corn dog got invented. (I love these crunchy guys.)

Ten rather creepy inspirations for some British classics.   (I'd add in the AI sentient business, as well.)

A sailor killed on the Oklahoma during the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack is finally identified. 

A former congressman pleads guilty to ballot stuffing in the 2020 election. You mean -- it really did happen somewhere?

Treasures of the San Jose, a recently-discovered galleon shipwreck. 

Things you shouldn't do in office e-mails, according to this expert.  (I am seriously liable to use the [...] business. Bad girl...)

Times Tom Cruise nearly did himself in, doing his own action scenes. Lucky he didn't...

Stupidest fails -- Chinese/Japanese character tattoes.  Including:

A 40+ year old bald white guy with Chinese characters that translated as “I’m a cute little princess” on the length of his forearm.

Have a good week. And if you're going to get a tattoo in a language that isn't your first -- better double-check.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

I read the headline "50 billion appeared in someone's account." Clicked on it but couldn't read it because of my adblockers. Nope. If I can't read it for free, I will go elsewhere...anyway...back to my original comment. Once we had a large amount of money deposited into our account. My husband went into the bank (he won't do online or even drive-thru windows, doesn't trust them) to correct the mistake and the teller argued with him. Said the bank doesn't make mistakes. He said if that is the case, then close out his account and give him all the money in cash. She quickly realized the mistake and was VERY apologetic.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...