Saturday, June 25, 2022

This Is Disgusting

     The level of hatred being expressed right incredible. When was it okay for people to viciously brand others, depending on their viewpoints?? The protests, the riots...both sad and pathetic. Can't your strong feelings on these issues be communicated any other way, besides rudeness and violence? 

Of course it can. Do you really think that those who agree with the Supreme Court's recent decisions -- on both concealed weapons, and on Roe vs Wade -- will be suddenly persuaded to think otherwise, because you're screaming at them? Will trashing Supreme Court justices' homes and neighborhoods get them to say, "Oops, I changed my mind...they were right, after all." Really?!?

(Pro-lifers, do you think it will do the same, if you celebrate in faces and call them baby-killers?)

I am deeply and unashamedly pro-life. I cannot be otherwise, in part because of my faith, and because we have two wonderful daughters I love deeply. I knew they were alive and kicking long before they powered their way out. 

But abortions will still happen, regardless of the Supreme Court ruling. 

I live in a state (Colorado) where babies can be aborted UP TO THE MOMENT OF BIRTH. This seems incredible to me.

How do you feel about this? Would it be all right with you? In California, you don't even have to wait that long -- you can have the baby killed post-birth. 

Is that all right, too?

It seems like a very small step to the next idea -- euthanizing young children whose mothers have decided they don't want them anymore. If they're allowed to do this at birth... why not? A few months shouldn't make that much difference. 

BUT --

I have friends and loved ones who disagree with this. I am not willing to treat them with the contempt, ridicule and sneering condescension I am seeing in the media, including its star pupil, Facebook. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. 

Let's talk. Not ridicule. 

More soon.

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