Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Monday (er, Wednesday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Home Again

     Apologies for the weeklong silenceWe are just back, after an unexpected trip back to Michigan. (Another funeral) Airline tickets were outrageous. This time, after running the numbers, we rented a car, rather than take the truck. It was cheaper in the long run, considering diesel prices and typical mileage. 

      It was lovely to see the cousins we'd grown close to, even if it was for just a few days. We also had a chance to see Top Gun: Maverick -- even better than the first version!

It's nice to be home...even if that presents its own interesting agenda.

Fifty Really Unusual nature photos.

More incredible nature photos.

Poor old Harry and Meghan introduced Her Majesty to her namesake -- but no photos. Darn, darn, darn...according to one expert, they were "spitting bricks" over their exclusion. Really???

Some very cool photos/video from the Jubilee here.

And 30 very funny reactions to Prince Louis' shenanigans at the Jubilee.  (Hey, he's a kid. A four-year-old...I've met very few who aren't brats now and then.)

"My mother is making me do chores -- isn't she mean?"  A very interesting Q&A from Quora.

The new board members of BLM have some...err, financial issues of their very own. But hey, trust them to do a good, responsible job with all these donations. 

California may be paying slavery/racism reparations. I'm going to be very interested how many people actually apply for this -- and get it. (If the legislature passes it, that is.)

Kari Ferrell -- I'm not sure whether I'm fascinated or repelled by this obnoxious grifter -- who got away with a LOT.

Rescued treasures from an abandoned house.  (One Frugal Girl)

NBC's take on Biden's administration, so far. And it's not pretty. 

Beautiful natural hot springs in America -- including several in Colorado.

"Anna Delvey stiffed me."   Why are you surprised??

Manhattan's oldest home, dating to 1795, is up for sale. Invite me in when you buy it, please!

Ten legends about gemstones.

'Useless' Boomer skills. How many people are willing to admit that some of these are STILL incredibly important? (Particularly if the power goes out, or access to the internet suddenly disappears.)

    P.S. Sewing is one of the 'useless' skills mentioned, by the way.

Celebrities and their biggest regrets.

Personal finance advice from same, including Ashton Kucher:

“Invest in the things that you know. If you drink beer all the time — if you go to microbreweries and you try all kinds of them — you probably know which ones are the best, and my advice is always to invest in what you know. If you’re a stock boy in a grocery store and you see something flying off the shelf, find out who made it. Find out why it’s flying off the shelf. Do the investigation necessary to know whether or not it’s something that is going to have ultimate value.”

It wouldn't hurt to check your money now and then -- valuable coins may show up!

Hope you're having a good week. 

Country Living magazine

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...