Sunday, June 26, 2022

Monday Stuff On The Way to Other Stuff: Hanging On

     What a weird week! I can never remember a time when justices of the Supreme Court were jumped on, harassed and vilified -- even by the government supposed to protect and defend it. 

     Would this have happened if all nine members of the court were considered 'liberals?' Surely I can't be the only one sick and tired of all the labels slapped on people just doing their job...following the Constitution. Which does NOT include abortion as a "Constitutional right." That hasn't changed, no matter how many times politicians say it.) Would this hysteria have happened if they'd ALL voted the same way? 

* * * * * * * * * 

     Do the people making such a fuss realize how messed-up the 'heroine' of Roe vs Wade actually was? Have they read the story of the daughter she planned to abort...who lived, instead? 

     Norma McCorvey, 'Jane Roe,' never had a real relationship with her daughters, though her eldest continued to spend some time with her. Shelly Thornton, the daughter she planned to abort was adopted shortly after her birth. She did not find out about her birth mother until age 19, when reporters from the National Enquirer trapped her in a "media barrage." 

After the incident, Thornton said, she was able to speak on the phone to McCorvey for the first time. “It became apparent to me really quickly that the only reason why she wanted to reach out to me and find me was because she wanted to use me for publicity,” Thornton said.

“She didn’t deserve to meet me,” Thornton told ABC News...“She never did anything in her life to get that privilege back. She never expressed genuine feeling for me or genuine remorse for doing the things that she did, saying the things that she did over and over and over again. She wasn’t sorry, about giving me away or was a game. I was just a pawn, and I wasn't going to let her do it."

    * * * * * * * * * *

Black activists (and ABC News, sadly) are lamenting the fact that more black babies will be born now, even equating it to sentencing them to slavery. (This is ABC sanctioning this. Not Fox News, which some of my Gentle Readers love to hate -- and blame for everything.)

How do you respond to the stories of people who survived their mothers' attempts at aborting them? 

 And finally, do these hysterical protestors realize that abortion is still legal -- just that states control its access now? 

     If you're so worried about this, come to Colorado. Our current law provides for abortions right up to the moment of actual birth. Think of the possibilities...

P.S. After writing this, and the previous post, I feel I've said what I needed to. There's more I could say: the Bible's viewpoint on life before birth, for example. But at this point... why? Pro-lifers feel strongly about what they believe. Pro-abortion people feel the same. 

We can fight and rip each other apart -- or we can talk about the reasons why we approach this differently. I would rather do that. As I mentioned before, screaming, yelling and insults don't persuade anyone to change their mind. Neither does vandalism and setting clinics on fire. (Does this make it right in people's minds because it was a pregnancy crisis clinic -- and not an abortion clinic?)

So on life goes. 
P.S. Isn't it interesting that suddenly the word "woman" -- means just that?

In better news: The Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup!

A gay biracial couple is suing for harassment and discrimination... if this is true, it's wrong, wrong, wrong. 

Another case of stolen valor... and faking cancer for funds. Pathetic.

"Revenge dressing" -- by Princess Diana.    Plus other interesting visual messages, using outfits. (Or so this fashion expert says.)

Have you gotten your income tax refund yet? 

"You are not the father" accounts.  One of these would make a great short story...

Did you ever wonder about Tanis...Indiana Jones' site for the Lost Ark? Yes, it's a real city. No, the Ark was probably never there...

Want to move into a floating city? South Korea's got one under construction -- and now the Maldives is beginning one, too.

Ryan Reynolds - not always the confident guy. 

"But as soon as that curtain opens – and this happens in my work a lot too – it's like this little guy takes over," Reynolds continued. "And he's like, 'I got this. You're cool.' I feel, like, my heart rate drop, and my breathing calm, and I just sort of go out and I'm this different person. And I leave that interview going, 'God, I'd love to be that guy!'"

Hey Buddy, I can relate -- except it's a "little farm girl" for me, and she's the bad guy. I have to tell her to shut up, so I can go on and do my work. 

An abandoned chateau in France -- what was inside.

Oops, guess those "sugar daddy" claims about Rep. Boebert might have been...mistaken. CNN is now echoing what the New York Post has been saying. (So apparently that means that NYP was right?) The Muckrackers PAC group that made the claims -- and they were bad -- now says they may have been wrong, and are willing to "apologize." Which will magically fix all the innuendo and damage those statements caused, obviously.

Wheeler [the group head] said the super PAC is “ready and willing” to defend its main claims in a legal fight, though he also said it is “not interested in a lawsuit” and does not believe its errors have been defamatory.

Oh really.

Now thaaaat's a big diamond -- especially finding it yourself!

Little things can make bad days better.  Especially when you're hurting. (From Poor Girl Eats Well)

Dems pause the Jan. 6 hearings to call for insurrection! This would be a lot funnier if it weren't almost ringing true.  (From the Babylon Bee)

The two Voyager craft will have some of their parts slowly shut down, in a bid to keep them going as long as possible. They're now in interstellar space -- and still sending back info.

Homemade teriyaki sauce. I could literally drink this stuff.  (From Kitchen Magpie)

Using UV light to help locate artifacts, including old cooking fire sites. 

"Trashed treasures." Including an update on the Marilyn Monroe dress worn by Kim Kardashian.

A $3.75 wedding dress from a thrift shop: "Perfection!"  Okay, she had it altered some.

A sad story of a 6-year-old deliberately set on fire by a bully... only it wasn't true. (What will his family do with the $600,000 they raised via GoFundMe?)

Some really heart-tugging Father's Day posts.  (I miss my Pa, and my father-in-law, very much.)

A wacky kidnap/hostage situation in Colorado. (I am probably more in tune with this than before, considering.)

Ten great movies about dads.  (I'd add the television series The Rifleman. Chuck Conners is an amazing single dad to his son.)

Hey, inflation's not Biden's or the guvment's fault -- it's the Federal Reserve! (I certainly think Biden & Co. helped a little, at does, incidentally, the chairman of the Federal Reserve.)

Weird historical photos that make you wonder. (Warning: this is a slideshow -- it's going to take a while to get through.)

A side table -- made from your clothes hangers?!?  Wow.

Dealing with retaliation in the workplace.  (From Len Penzo)

A Peach Bellini -- 4 ingredients and a blender. Very refreshing.

Regional foods you can make yourself.    (Some great summer copycat recipes, too.)

Taking a frugal road trip.  (From Retire By 40)

Actors who just 'planted one on' their co-stars. 

Very funny resignation letters. (Well, if you're not their boss...)

An interesting way to tell which artist did what -- by looking at their paintings. Including:

"If all the men look like cow-eyed, curly-haired women, it's Caravvagio..."

See? And you didn't even have to major in art in school!

"What's the most powerful supernatural warning you've received?" Quora people hold forth. I strongly believe in listening to this inner (and, I believe, God-sent) warning. The times I haven't...I've regretted it.

Five things that could get your luggage searched if you're boarding a plane.

Have a good week. Let's ALL hang in there. 

The original poster - from Wikipedia

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...