Sunday, September 4, 2022

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Welcome, September

 Still working...and it's been HOT. But home plate is in sight. 

We should have a quiet week, finishing things up. That postponed trip to Palisade for peaches is in sight, too.

We did hear, with delight, that Michigan beat Colorado State 51-7 in their college football game opener. On to the next team! 

Happy Labor Day. Get some rest...and Go Blue.


A driver takes a 500-foot header off Trail Ridge Road. He's lucky 1) he's still alive -- and 2) it isn't snowing heavily yet. 

DIY fails. Some creepy ones, too.

Neighbor revenge stories.

18th century gold coins, found under kitchen floorboards in North Yorkshire, England. Yow! They were all stashed in the cup shown. (I am wondering why this isn't considered treasure trove...but apparently it is not.)

What do YOU call racism? Is this it?

The novel Go Ask Alice was MADE UP. I always wondered about this...

An incredible tribute to his wife -- by Shia LaBeouf.

"The truth is way worse." An amazing confession from former pro basketball player, Eddie Curry. 

Talented (and largely forgotten) filmmakers who really changed the art of film.

"A whopper of a recession" coming in 2023, according to one expert. Read and be warned...

Ten innovations in 'invisible cloaks.' I wish I could get my hands on the fabric scraps!

A Ford F-150 recovered from the Arctic -- it sank, Ice Road Trucker-style.

Ricky Tims had a VERY BIG Kitty come to visit...

Facebook, Twitter and White House officials in bed with each other? Naaaahhh....

A treasure map -- for missing rare automobiles!

'What's the most selfish GoFundMe you've ever been begged for?' Quora people answer. Another interesting one:

'What shocked you when you opened a safe deposit box?'

Painting Bigfoot in the snow:

Thirty job-search tips -- by people who've used them. Successfully.

The best-preserved mummified body in history -- and she wasn't Egyptian!

A dinosaur's ribcage -- found in your backyard?  It happened in Portugal.

People who inherited fortunes -- surprisingly.  (From LoveMoney)

A cautionary tale of a manager who barks out orders -- and an employee who obeys her. See if you don't laugh! While you're at Bored Panda...

Adult jokes that you'll get -- sadly. 

A gravestone was swiped from Greyfriars Bobby's cemetery! By a woman with an American accent, no to the end of the post for an intriguing explanation of Greyfriars Bobby, including some speculation that there were TWO dogs, not one.

The ten most expensive finds on Antique Roadshow.

The world gravy wrestling championships -- only in Great Britain

Try explaining this to your supervisor at the police station: "Ummm, Sir, the goat ate my paperwork."

Thirty final moments -- sad and memorable.

Finally -- this NYC grifter is permanently locked out of the place she scammed for more than three years. I really feel for the poor lady who had to deal with this 'renter' all that time -- for only one month's pay. Claimed the gifter in court, "This all happened so quickly..."

   An attorney for the landlords... said that Gladstone still had a key to the front gate of the property.

“She spent a lot of the weekend banging on the door [of the apartment] demanding to be let in,” he said.

Fat chance.

Unsolved mysteries that sound made-up... but aren't.

The oldest continuously open Chinese restaurant in the U.S. is in... Butte, Montana?!?

'My dad didn't share his lottery winnings -- so I smashed his car with a hammer.' Other lottery fights here, too.

An amazing way to fix a dent on a car -- boiling water and a plunger!

Captain Cook's ship Endeavour is being eaten up -- by shipworms.

Blue dye on her teeth -- lapis luzuli in her mouth. Why was this a 'tell' for a woman's unusual occupation during medieval times?

Pork pies -- what's the tastiest for the price? (Wish they carried these in Colorado -- they sound delicious.)

Have a good holiday -- and week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...