Monday, September 12, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Putting Up in freezing veggies and fruit for the cold winter months. We brought back dozens of pounds of peaches from our trip to the Western Slope last week. Some peaches went to friends and our kids. More were chopped and put in the freezer, along with two pies. (Make them, as usual -- but freeze unbaked.) I also baked three tarts for us and friends. 

     A check of the three big zucchini plants found three smaller surprise! Two 'baseball bats' were hiding underneath the leaves. One got sliced for fried zucchini, and the rest chopped up for the freezer. The other is glowering on the counter, waiting for me to Try Something. (Or Do Something, as the case may be.)

    Okra's next.

It takes time...but I am looking forward to hauling out those packages out one snowy day, and making some sunshine with them. 

Not to mention eating them fresh... yum.

The Higher Ground Fair is this coming weekend!! If you're near the Laramie, WY area, you'll enjoy this festival of folk art and culture. I've seen everything there from Arapaho Indian dance teams to llama parades. Lots of fun. 


Benghazi ten years later.   9/11 was twenty-one years ago. How could this be...

The biggest glacier calving yet --  rest easy, it happened back in 2008.

A bull elk tells a truck who's boss in Estes Park. P.S. It's not the truck.

Coors Field has a yearly "Bark at the Park" night for a Rockies game. Bring your dog -- and dress them up!

German apple strudel...from scratch? Yup.

Did you realize that Winnie-the-Pooh (or at least an early version of him) is now in the public domain?   Mickey Mouse, in the form of Steamboat Willie, will soon join him. 

Oberlin FINALLY pays up. It's long overdue.

What Queen Elizabeth II was REALLY like.

P.S. The royal bees have been informed of her death, by the way. (A family member used to keep bees. I asked him whether he'd told them. Well, their descendants, anyways. Sadly, they remain uninformed.)

Rest in peace, Your Highness.

When a monarch dies, gleefully announcing you'll 'dance on her grave' is NOT showing the respect due. Doesn't matter whether you agreed with her or not,'s wrong.

A burglary suspect apprehended in Colorado: a coyote!

Blocks of ice help keep shelter animals cool in California. (Dogs, that is -- are the cats avoiding them?)

Chicago, the welcoming 'sanctuary city,' takes a batch of migrants sent there -- and ships them somewhere else. Hmmm...Mayor Lightfoot, where are your claims of racism and hypocrisy now?

Good old Kathy Griffin -- blatting her mouth off again. Obviously she hasn't learned from past experience... or maybe she has, because this is getting attention. Hey, Anna Selvey -- start making outrageous statements. That will get you out of ICE's clutches!

Weird things partners said (and did) in their sleep.

Fascinating facts about the tv series Gunsmoke.

A Ukranian 'peasant' (maybe a farmer?) shoots a Russian jet down -- with a rifle.

A man who spent eleven years homeless -- now a top Amazon executive.

Some odd mysteries -- possibly explained by Skeptoid.

Grandson takes his grandma, age 92, on a tour of 62 national parks. It took seven years... what a kind, thoughful guy!

The high school homecoming queen who faked voting results to get her crown...and lost her college acceptance and scholarship, as a result. (She's now suing the school district -- hey, she had enough votes to win, even when the fake ones were deleted. So what's the big deal?)

Two great recycling posts -- one on plastic bottles, the other on CDs and DVDs. Some of these are really clever. 

Have a good week. Go freeze something!



.Marilyn Withrow said...

I love reading your posts every week. It reminds me of the time we met at some quilt show or NQA meeting or somewhere and I so enjoyed our time together. We were beginning appraisers then, and I was still using the Maddalena name. Now I'm 85 in a Senior Living apartment, widowed again, but your posts remind me of happier times. I was sad to hear of the loss of your mother. I lost mine about 25 years ago. It does get easier with time. Marilyn Maddalena Withrow.

Cindy Brick said...

Thanks, Marilyn. Thanks for your kind words.

If I'm remembering right, you and my mom met and spent some time together!

I have been missing her extra the past few weeks...keep thinking I need to call and tell her about this or that. So I do...mentally.

Thanks for writing. Take care, and let me know how you are now and then.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...