Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Fall Daze

 Happy Rosh Hashanah! The Jewish New Year started on Sept. 26. L'shana tova tikatevu* to you, friends.

    The Brick has a soupcon of German Jew in his blood. I, alas, do not -- just a touch of Basque mixed in with the rest, though.

* * * * * *

The trees are changing again -- a bit more. We spent the week picking up, finishing up and generally getting ready for cold weather. The Brick has been replacing seams that were degrading. I washed windows, on the truck, for the fifth-wheel, and on our friends' windows, as well.

    The zucchini are kicking out vegs like crazy. It's like they know the end is in view. (And they're right.) We've been turning on the electric fireplace and wearing sweaters at night. Nothing exciting this week, except for a planned trip to the Goodwill outlet, then lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant. I'll also be headed to Daughter #1's house to thin out a garden bed crammed with daylilies and iris. 

    More work. More cleanup. On we go. 

*"May you be inscribed for a good year in the Book of Life."

Ruby, last autumn in Michigan

An elk video for you to enjoy.  (I heard an elk bugling down in the field a few weeks ago... have never heard that this close to the trailer.)

The restaurant owners in NYC who fought a disability claim lawyer -- and won. 

(This 2018 article mentions a similar lawyer who was filing disability lawsuits...then had a supposedly quadraplegic client come walking into court. Oops...)

You may enjoy the start of yours truly's Recession Survival Guide. Parts II and III coming up.

Orh nee cake. (Uses taro!)

This artist is sick and tired of AI art generators 'borrowing' (actually stealing) his work. Can you blame him? 

Stevie Winwood, in a 2020 Covid version of his great song:  Gimme Some Lovin. Boy, we needed this...

These cutthroat trout, thought to be extinct... are not! They were found reproducing naturally in Colorado -- and now are in at least four streams. 

Vermeer's maps -- did he include these in his paintings, for a reason? This book argues that yes, he did.

Life hacks -- 25 of them.  A lot of products for sale here...but some good ideas, too.

The winners from Taste of Home's copycat recipe contest. If you're cutting back on going out to eat, this is one way to do it!

Two tapestries, a coin and a large mosaic (of Medusa) -- headed back to Italy, where they were stolen from.

Golden eagles are learning to grab mountain goats, drop them high in the air...then feast on the remains. Amazing.

BLACK BEANS make the perfect brownie?!?

Red wolves are coming to Colorado. This rare species is thought to be an interbreed between coyotes and gray wolves -- and the only species unique to America.

Pet photography winners. These are funny!

A hiker dies on Longs Peak -- the first since 2014.  (Not prepared for winter weather...)

A DIY Halloween tree?? Hey, why not... one of our neighbors set up a Broncos tree every fall.

Some strange underreported stories on mummies -- including 19 living Austrian relatives for Otzi, the mummy found in a melting glacier! (Ain't DNA wonderful...)

Funny signs from that infamous Mexican restaurant, El Arroyo.

Tom Hardy entered a ju-jitsu tournament...and beat everyone!

Ways to make it into first or business class on the plane -- instead of coach.

The Babylon Bee is FINALLY vindicated online...and allowed to return to satirical posts on social media sites. Says the founder:

"Humor gets us through dark times, in short," he stressed. "We really do need to laugh at the darkness, I think. That is the way that we kind of defy the darkness by laughing at it and I think it’s so important. It’s a great gift from God, and no matter if there are crazy things in society, a lot of things we are concerned about, we need to be able to laugh so we can criticize power and retain humor and humility about ourselves."

App State won a football game in the last few seconds, thanks to a Hail Mary pass (vs Alabama's Troy Trojans). Wow.

Making a cold frame -- with hay bales.  (From The Reid Homestead)

How to game in the stock market -- and lose everything.  (From Budgets Are Sexy)

High-stakes gamblers who somehow managed to beat the bank. Even Donald Trump's casino.

Quick apricot chicken. Yet another entry in the category of...

One hundred of the easiest meals ever least according to Taste of Home. I didn't see the Brick's favorites: canned beef stew over rice...or frozen pizza!

Before you join in the nasty words about bussing/flying migrants elsewhere, like Governor Newsom did -- ask him about the 'Homeward Bound' program he initiated for homeless visitors to San Francisco.

The bucket strategy for investing. (From RB40) This is actually quite similar to the strategy my favorite investment book, Quit Like A Millionaire, uses.

What should you stock up on when inflation is high?  (From Retire by 40)

Airline passenger photos. Funny in a wincing-sort-of way.

Governor DeSantis gets his comeuppance from Martha's Vineyard.  Yes, this is rude... but funny!

Have a great week. Who knows what will happen...

Ruby loves this time of year. You would, too, if you wore a permanent fur coat.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...