Saturday, July 8, 2023

Monday (er, Sunday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Busy, Busy, Busy

 We had a quiet Fourth of July, which was surprisingly peaceful. Our part of Colorado had a lot of rain, which wrecked a lot of celebrations. No doubt SHE would have been pleased.

                   "We are NOT amused."

A quiet week was topped off by a day spent with our friend, while her husband, Friend #2, was in surgery. He's doing better, but we've got some visiting to do this week. Plus commitments every day but Monday. Double commitments some days. 

    Friday and Saturday, I've got appraising to do at the Black Canyon Quilt Show, along with my colleague from Albuquerque, Cindy Kurey. It will make for long days (plus a lot of driving), but will be REALLY absorbing. Interesting, too. 


Tricks that parasites use to get hosts to do what they want.  I must confess: I am both enthralled -- and freaked out.  This one's weird, too --

Stolen works of art recovered in strange ways. Like the yacht that was seized -- and a Romanoff Faberge Easter egg was found inside. 

"What's the best thing that ever happened to you for just being nice?"  Quora people hold forth.

A giant swarm of locusts invades Utah -- have they been talking to our local grasshoppers about the opportunities?

What living in Paris is really like.    Sort of. (I'd love to try this for a month or two.)

One of the wackiest fashion shows in Paris -- and that's saying something!

Fifteen Other Things the Secret Service found at the White House. A silly response to the Dime Baggie Incident, courtesy of the Babylon Bee. ("Fake news you can trust.")

Recipes on gravestones? Yup... but what's the point?

Dickens, dramatic readings -- and the chance to own one of his handwritten copies.

Found: a Winston Churchill signed letter. At a thrift shop for a buck!

The Walk of Life: one of the most cheerful dance videos I've seen in a long time. 

This one's fun, too, thanks to Aubrey Fisher and Vik White

One of the funniest father-daughter wedding dances ever.

How to discover hidden assets -- beginning with your ex's tax return. 

The Grateful Dead -- or what's left of them -- played their last show in Boulder, and are not going to be touring anymore. What WILL the Deadheads do?  The Eagles are quitting too, after 52 years on the road. And Elton John's done, too.  Who can blame them...

A police bodycam, rescuing cows from a barn on fire.

A truly extraordinary interview with Dr. Gai Luft -- regarding his work with the Biden family. 

A mystery antique quilt pattern puzzle.  (From Wonkyquilts)

"I have become the rich relative I always wanted."  (From Bitches Get Riches)

Watch what you're texting your parents! Some red-faced comments here.

Make your own sidewalk chalk.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Incredibly uplifting stories -- short ones, but meaningful.

Backdoor facts from Die Hard -- including the famous jumping-off-the-building scene. (The director shot it early. That way, if Willis died, they could still recast the role. At least that's what the article's saying!)

another jumper special moment

Budget-perfect wedding tips.

Ireland's hidden waterfall.  Discovered by Travels with Kevin and Ruth.

Making a one-bedroom apartment work for four people -- good for Mom, in this case!

Ten treasured artifacts from the American Revolution.

Going to a coffin!

Thrifty gifts under $5. This is a Christmas-themed post, but there are a lot of ideas for birthdays here, too.  (From My Tireless Retirement)

An underwater volcano -- in the Arctic Circle?

Redneck engineering at its most brilliant.

Have a great week. If you're in the Montrose, CO area, stop at the Black Canyon Quilt Show! You'll love the many quilts and classes.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...