Sunday, July 2, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Fireworks This Week? Naaaah.

At least not personal ones. 

We got back late last week from a scouting trip to southern Colorado and Arizona. Even trying to keep costs down, it wasn't cheap -- but it was the break we both needed. More on this in the near future. 

This week will be a quiet one -- work, around-the-house chores and maybe a day trip out wandering somewhere. If Castle Rock has fireworks on the Fourth, we'll probably watch those, too.


Whoo, this is strange -- Donald Trump is the only living U.S. President (or ex) whose ancestors did not own slaves. Including Barack Obama, Gentle Readers...

A rodeo cowboy and his horse -- killed by a lightning strike. 

The most valuable 'Pawn Stars' items found. (And purchased, I assume. Warning: this is a slideshow.)

A Chicago radio host doing "man on the street" inteviews asks the Chicago hockey team's GM if he 'knows anything about hockey.' His response is very funny. (And no, the radio guy apparently didn't know who he was.)

A huge collection of fantasy/horror/supernatural books just went up on the Heritage Auction block! Some valuable pieces in the Gary Munson collection...bidding ends July 27.

Who's the best college football team in the country? Michigan, according to this expert: 'the most talented in decades.'  
    Nooooo... say it ain't so! Every time the Wolverines get praised, petted and admired, they also get a big head -- and start losing. 

Everyday life -- for the ancient Aztecs.

Animal mummies.  Hey, only the best for you, Gentle Readers! And if you liked that...

People who turned into mummies before their bodies were found. (Yes, this is gross. Plus fascinating.)

A black technician records a woman saying he's abusing her -- on the phone to the police. (He's just standing there, by the way. And no, her accusations didn't stick.) Shades of...

Social media liars.  (Warning: it's a slideshow.)

Not that this ever happens:

Homemade crescent rolls. Surprisingly not that hard to make.

another fish that likes to visit.   (I thought Elvis was cute...)

Ten things you can do to save money this week.  A classic from one of my favorite bloggers, Brandy over at The Prudent Homemaker.

Have a good week. Happy Fourth!

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.