Monday, July 17, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Off to the Races (Soccer Game, I Mean)

 I'm back from a weekend spent at the Black Canyon Quilt Show in Montrose, over on the Western Slope. Interesting...absorbing...and exhausting. A wonderful show. I had a great time!

    It has been in the 90s here. (I know -- gripe, moan and complain about how cold it was, and how much rain...and now we get heat, instead. Serves me right.) Our friends just got back from Alaska, and it was chilly there. But rewarding. 

This week:  meeting up with our niece and grandniece from Virginia. (Grandniece is playing on the Williamsburg, VA team for girls' soccer. They won for their state, and are now here competing in the national championship. You go, girl!) Working on reports. Beating (or trying to) our friends in a game of Ticket to Ride. And trying to figure out how to stay cool...

Tommy's already figured the latter one out...looking cool, I mean.


SHARK WEEK starts next Sunday, July 23.  Whoo-hoo!

Twenty more amazing photos (besides the previous one, that is...)

Pools!  Some fails, some funny.   Dozens to choose from!

'Prince Fred' is in the slammer, after ordering a hit.  Another odd story about a scammer who got away with it for decades...but this one was brought down by someone making a film on his story!

How the alleged 'Gilgo Four' serial murderer was caught... pizza crusts and burner phones figure in.

An injured (and very pissed) blue heron is rescued by Colorado Animal Protection officers in Boulder.

The dog who wouldn't leave a stranger's grave -- and why. (This is long, but interesting.)

Indiana Jones' house is in Colorado -- and you can stay there! (Actually, it's his dad's home.)

Homemade doggie sweet potato chews.  One ingredient!  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Bronze Age rock paintings discovered near Oslo, Sweden.  Or rediscovered??

Tomato prices have skyrocketed in... INDIA.

Candid celebrity photos -- and the stories behind them.

The Beatles have a pillow fight - 1964.  (copyright Henry Benson)

Zoo officials: 'Quit showing upsetting phone videos to the gorillas!'  (I am not making this up.)

AI robots are straightforward about it -- at least one. She claims the world can be run better by her type, instead of humans.  Are we listening??

"'We should be cautious but also excited for the potential of these technologies to improve our lives in many ways,' the bot said.

'Trust is earned, not given. As AI develops and becomes more powerful, I believe it's important to build trust through transparency in communication between humans and machines.'

When asked if it would ever lie to humans, Ameca also added: 'No one can ever know that for sure, but I can promise to always be honest and truthful with you.'"

Ummm... what if she's lying about that?

Some very funny news bloopers.

Yes, Virginia, more people DID move out of New York and California than Florida in 2021. Actually, Florida's population increased considerably. (Business Insider got it wrong -- and had to publicly apologize.)

Seven hundred rare gold coins -- found in a Kentucky cornfield. (Actually, I'm surprised this guy would publicize it -- odds are good that the guvment -- or someone else -- will be trying to think of a good reason why it's theirs.)

Are these brands really Chinese (made in China) -- instead of American?   Ummmm... yep. And nope.

An extremely sad catfishing story. (Turns out she wasn't the only person on the hook, either.)

Marie Antoinette's secret bedroom.  And it's lovely.

Famous movie lines that weren't in the script. Warning: this is a slideshow. Some weird ads, too.

Gasoline will get rid of wasps?!?  If you've ever had these pesky buggers build a nest nearby -- and go after you -- this will be a godsend.

Two vases, purchased in Spain at a car 'boot sale' for around 10 pounds -- oops, they sold for thousands more.

How Coca-Cola protects the secret recipe of its original Coke. (It's never been patented, by the way.)

Cottage pie baked potatoes -- from the Instagram account of Nonconsumer Advocate.

Hibachi chicken and shrimp you make yourself.  (From The Frugal Girl) Plus yum-yum sauce.

Some interesting cases of when PETA went all wild-eyed. (And got themselves into trouble.)

Unusual specifications in people's wills.

A well-known architect in the art world is in big trouble, after accusations of sexual harassment.

"Let's Go Exploring:" Millenial Revolution's great travel series. Helps keep you from getting too antsy when you're stuck at's also great research for countries you'd like to visit.

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...