Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: So It Goes

 Life continues-- quietly. We have some pots bubbling on the fire, but nothing enough to mention. Reports, repairs, the usual. So goes August. Do your last weeks of summer go this way, too?

     It's okay. Life's like this sometimes.


One hundred frugal meals? Here's your starting point.  (From Living Lowkey) 

Jim Harbaugh won't be suspended, after all.  The coach for U of M football managed to put off his suspension -- for now. Michigan fans breathe a sigh of relief.

Buy a package of salad spinach -- sometimes you get a free bonus. A frog!

Facts about Jack Benny -- one of my favorite comedians.

A big batch of oldtimey cleaning/kitchen/household hacks -- clever ones, too! 

Six 'wealthy' Americans who got there -- through hard work and wise choices. 

Where were all the bikers visting Sturgis, when it came to the Budweiser tent?

This Anne Boleyn 'artifact' is really a fake!  (But an amusing one) Plus -- is this her portrait? 

How to make your own floral-scented lotion.  (From Little House Living)

Another millionaire interview from ESIMoney.  These can be verrrry interesting.

Sourdough pancakes and waffles.  (From Enlacocina)

Beggars can't be choosers -- even though they try really hard. 

The (sadly) true story of 'Giselle,' the child trafficker in Sound of Freedom(More here, plus photos.)

Thirty celebrities -- no makeup. And some of them look pretty good, too. (Well, maybe not Helen Mirren.)

This is really a strange one -- a woman is rescued from a car in the water (underwater, it's suggested). Apparently she was trapped there for two days!

Some very funny notes from kids.

Jack Nicklaus doesn't own his name or his face -- his former partner does. Yes, this is a weird story.

When payback was worth it.

Actors who refused to work with each other again. 

Dwayne Johnson buys a fellow fighter a house -- selling it to him for $7. Be sure to read this story -- it's a great one.

A dozen zucchini recipes from Mavis at One Hundred Dollars A Month.

The true story behind the movie Sound of Freedom.

A frightening Biden-related paper trail.  (P.S. It backs up Devon Archer's testimony, by the way.)

The paper trail doesn’t neatly resolve whether Hunter Biden directly benefited from Baturina’s transfer, but an infographic in Comer’s release notes that Rosemont Seneca Bohai funds were used to cover personal expenses, as well as transferred to Hunter’s separate corporate entity Owasco PC.

Archer told the committee last week that he wasn’t sure why Baturina transferred the $3.5 million and that he thought it must have been meant for his other firm Rosemont Realty, which he said did more than $100 million in business with her.

The $3.5 million transfer has been debated for years since it was first revealed shortly before the 2020 election in a report by two Republican-led Senate committees. Joe Biden denied that report’s accuracy during a presidential debate.

“Why is it — just out of curiosity — the mayor of Moscow’s wife gave your son $3.5 million?” Donald Trump asked Biden during the first presidential debate of 2020.

“That is not true,” the then-candidate said.

“What did he do to deserve it?” Trump pressed.

“None of that is true,” Biden insisted.

Charles McGonigal apparently is planning to plead guilty to corruption for his actions in 'Russigate' -- yes, the ex-FBI official.  Hmmmm....

A slick (and sad) lesson on how you can get robbed at the self-checkout counter, thanks to a pair of Colorado scammers. (They haven't been caught yet, by the way.)

Killed by his own cheese -- an Italian factory boss crushed when a shelf broke. It took firefighters twelve hours to move the 15,000 wheels of cheese enough to get to him...

A man, shot in the head, manages to stop a mass shooting; now he's a self-defense instructor. Good for Raul Mendez!

Thinking of The Mama this week.. she would have been 86 on August 16. 

      Happy Birthday, Momma...I'll make that chiffon birthday cake when I see you.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...