Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Still...

 ...doing repairs and work around the ranch. 

...finishing up reports.

...putting up with hot temperatures, though it's better. (We've had several rainstorms, which help so much.)

...looking for land/house possibilities. We're now pre-approved for $$ -- and know how much of a downpayment is possible, too.

...trying to make sense of the wacky developments regarding our politicians and government. This may be hopeless.

Life goes on. Walking (or trudging) on to the next step(s).

Yes, that's Bigfoot. He can come too, if he wants.


Yoko Ono's newest art installation, a bunch of trees planted in coffins ("Ex It"), had to be scrapped -- the trees were dead or dying. Go figure.

An incredible -- and large -- art collection is going up for auction at Sotheby's. Will this boost art prices generally -- or deflate them? (Remember: values are often based on "replacement of like and kind." In other words, how easily that item can be 'replaced.' Lots of similar pieces -- the price goes down.)

Subway was just sold to the same company that owns Dunkin' Donuts, Seattle's Best Coffee and Arby's.  Hmmmm....

A 104-year-old women attributes her long life to makeup, getting out of the house regularly...and a beer every night. Tell that to the U.S. beer czar, who's trying to decree that Americans should only have two alcoholic drinks a week. 

Mini copper 'pots' -- from pop cans?!?  An incredibly clever idea from Upcycle Design Lab. Here's how to make them look 'old:'

How to make small rooms look larger. including the importance of light -- and the 'groups of 3' idea. (From Ahna Fulmer)

More about the curator accused of taking many artifacts from the British Museum -- and the director (now outgoing) supervising him. Between 1500-2000 objects are thought to be missing. (The curator was selling them on Ebay!)

Some final scenes in movies -- that made all the difference. Plus, from Ranker:

What people ate to survive during the Dust Bowl. Actually, I LIKE popcorn and milk.

Body language from the Republican debate.  Fascinating.

Have you ever noticed how much blinking the White House press secretary does while answering questions? Did you know that excessive blinking is a common 'tell' for lying or dishonesty?

A puma has an albino cub...the first born in a central American zoo.

Vintage UK tea recipes, from scones and fruit loaf to sausage rolls.  (From Lavender & Lovage)

How to look richer than everyone else -- by someone who works in a country club. I thought this comment especially interesting...

'Money talks but wealth is silent,' she continued. 'When I see a woman walk in [wearing some] really high-quality, really well-made clothing, or very stylish pieces, and there's no logo or brand on anything, I know she's richer than everyone else.'

"Have you ever sabotaged food because someone else was stealing it?"  Quora people hold forth.

Ten truths for the 2024 campaign -- from one of the debate participants. If he really is committed to these...well, I'm impressed.

Some very funny 'men parodying women photos.'  Like this 'engagement ring' photo:

A Michigan farmer refuses to host same-sex weddings at his farm. (He makes it clear that they've been selling apples to ANYONE...and continue to do so.) So what's the big deal...right? There are certainly other venues to go to. Well, it took SEVEN YEARS for this man's case to be upheld. . Meanwhile, since his business has not been allowed to sell at their former venues, guess how much income he's lost?  More here, in case you're curious.

Life hacks that are a little strange -- but work.

Literary takedowns. A classic, but still funny -- unless it's you!

Chris Evens celebrates National Dog Day by visiting a shelter.  Plus... what he thinks about his dog, Dodger.  It's pretty obvious what Dodger thinks of him.

Wearing these Covid masks may well be exposing you to cancer-causing materials: a very unnerving NH study.

Moments that remind you there's still good out in this old world.

Collections!  What do you collect? (Mention it in comments -- the weirder, the better.)

 Repeated attempts at copyrighting AI artwork shot down -- because it's not technically human-made. Hmmm...

So -- are you going to the 'new' Fyre Festival??  It will only cost you $8000 or so.

Making a quilt with cheesecloth? Certainly distinctive...I'm just not sure how long it will last, however.

Top tips for getting wealthy, according to Mark Cuban of Shark Tank.

Natural beauty hacks that save money and time.

Reworked thrift shop paintings -- everything from Star Wars to dinosaurs. I LOVE these. Wish I had the talent to do them!

More here.  (Thank you, David Irvine.)

Some wonderful thrift shop textile finds, too.

A flash mob for the funeral? Sure, when they're hired by the deceased.

So much for blaming climate change for the Maui was downed powerlines. Oopsies.

The body of a teen is found after the Maui wildfires -- hugging his dog. One of many bodies -- sad.

Why did this house survive during the Maui wildfires?  Two reasons, the homeowners think: a new metal roof, and greenery trimmed away around the house. Colorado homeowners, are you listening?

More discovered about how Pompeii treated its slaves. These continuing excavations are fascinating. 

Some practical tips on how to stay safe -- especially for single women, but I plan to use some of these myself.

Catvideofest -- I am not making this up. 

Have a good week. Pet a kitty or two.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...