Wednesday, April 10, 2019


     I spent most of this morning in the dentist's chair, getting two cavities fixed and two crowns replaced. The old crowns had to be taken off in order to fill the cavities. Said Dr. Tedford, while banging away at the crowns -- 'These are too sturdy. I'm having trouble getting them out.' I said, 'Well, talk to the person who put them on -- you!'  It's certainly much better to fault crowns as too durable, rather than the opposite.
     It was nearly three hours of work...nitrous oxide made it bearable, but not by much. That stuff may be called 'laughing gas,' but I certainly didn't feel like laughing.

     I staggered out of there, to be faced by rainy streets and dreary skies. By the time I got home, it was snowing heavily, and it hasn't stopped since. Colorado's in the middle of a big spring blizzard.
     The fun never ends.

What a good reason to stay home and recuperate for a little while. I made a pan of brownies, and baked some potatoes. (Cut them open when they're done, add an egg and a strip of bacon inside, and bake 15 min. longer for a main dish.) 
     Now for a nap, accompanied by the swishing sound of snowflakes coming down.

This actually isn't far off the truth...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.