Sunday, May 24, 2009

Animals You'll Wonder About

Check your stomach. Can it handle weird stuff?

Ok. Take a deep breath, and look at this photo gallery of truly freaky animals.
Including a seven-legged calf born in Steamboat Springs, CO. It lived only ten minutes...which is just as good.

I'm off to the North Carolina Quilt Symposium tomorrow...will be gone all week, judging and teaching. Come see me! I'll stop in regularly, and let you know how things are going.

1 comment:

allie aller said...

I skipped the animals but did click on the link to the NC event.
That is a line-up of real heavyweights in the quilt world. Should be a most fantastic week...have fun even as you're working hard....

Made You Look - Stupid

 Or should there be a  dash in this sentence?? Here's another weiner: Or this charmer... With his cheeks sucked in, too. Ugh. And yet an...