Saturday, May 9, 2009

Weekend...And A Fresh Grip on Things

Oh my, oh my, oh my...
Text has been handed in for the new book!
I don't know who's happier -- my long-suffering editor, or me.

Just a few diagrams remain to be finished...those will get done tonight. The wonderful light from the tunnel is blazing true and clear. Thank God.

I can plant daylilies and roses this weekend with a clear conscience. Oh, and snuggle up to the husband while eating popcorn, and watch the Nuggets trounce Dallas. Go, Nuggies!

* * * * * *
J.D. Roth has an important reminder about balancing your miserly bent with your generous one:

This is tough. I always worry whether we're going to need the extra cash somewhere else. Giving to others is not so bad -- we've been giving away 10% of our income for so long now, that I don't even think about it. (And yes, we've gone without it just fine -- even when money was extremely tight. God honors that kind of commitment, I believe.)
It's the spending on stuff -- a shirt that isn't from the thrift shop, an upgrade on olive oil or wine or chocolate. (Yes, there's a difference.) This is not such a struggle for Husband, but it is for me. I think, "Gee, that's another buck toward the Panama vacation/house taxes/etc." Then I post it on the frig, and think, and wait. And eventually it goes away under the longer for sale, or the sale goes off.

I need to loosen up. Yes and no...what if we'll need the money for something else?
And so the cycle continues...

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First Day of Spring

 . ..technically speaking, that is.  We've got cold temps and gray skies. Maybe Fort Garland just didn't get the message yet.  But I...