Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Revelation

Remember the New York Times financial reporter I mentioned, a few posts back? Well, it turns out that his sad story is actually deceptive, too: his wife has now declared bankruptcy twice, once during a previous marriage and once during Our Hero's time, with both carefully arranged between periods of higher income -- and spending. And including some of Our Hero's debts, as well, although she didn't acknowledge his income until she was forced to by a creditor. Read all about it here:


What a woman.

Makes you wonder about OH's motives too, doesn't it?

* * * * * *

My accomplished webmaster showed me how to do links to other websites easily, like this one to Brickworks: thank you so much, WM! And I hope to do many more, instead of that messy listing I resorted to, more often than not. Should make things easier for you to read, too.

Blowsy, cloud-scudding day. Hopefully more rain, although the holiday weekend people are wishing for anything but... I picked up a touch of flu yesterday, so not as enthusiastic about it myself.

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