Monday, June 1, 2009

Starting Up Again

Got home from NC last night about 10:30 p.m, after an interesting (bumpy) trip down through the thunderclouds... just beat. The 'How to Date and Restore Your Quilt' class was jampacked, but I only had three hours to teach the whole class. I moved through material at light-speed sometimes, and skipped some sections (like crazy quilts) nearly altogether -- but still, I had a line of people at the end, wanting to talk about their particular situation. By the time they left, and I'd packed up, the lunch line was closed. If it hadn't been for Marlene, who managed to track he director down and snag us some food.... Somehow I had to eat, finish packing, find the lady who was to give me a ride to the airport, and make the plane -- all in a few hours.

We were supposed to turn our keys in just before leaving -- $75 due if you didn't! I jammed in the rest of my clothes, hauled the suitcases down (with Marlene's help)...and couldn't find the keys. Looked EVERYWHERE...then suddenly remembered: they were still in the lock of the dorm room. Some crayons aren't too sharp out of the box...

Its been a long week. (but a nice one) Special thanks to he girls from the Vintage Quilt Study Group, who especially made me feel right to home. Even if my accent was weird.

Things remembered from North Carolina:

*the warm smiling faces of so many people, often with that lilting, soft accent
*the intoxicating scent of magnolias, creamy white and warmed by the sun
*the soda fountain and the taste of a made-from-scratch limeade, while I watched everyone come and go
*Carolina barbecue! And fried oysters. (Need I say more...)
*brick mansions. Lavish green yards and landscapes everywhere
*a quilt on my bed in the dorm -- and a vase of fresh garden flowers
*beautiful quilts

* * * * *
Someone else is back -- Brin from My Messy, Thrilling Life is blogging again. I've missed her.

* * * * *
If you admire fine applique, this auction's for you -- Quilter's Hall of Fame is selling a large batch of quilts with aplique patterns by Marie Webster, their patron designer. The price is right --it starts at $50, and goes up in increments...or you can buy the quilt outright for $300. Bidding ends in mid-July. Go here for more information. I love the Iris and Windblown Tulip blocks, but know firstand how long they can take -- bought a basted-but-not-stitched Windblown Tulips block once, intending to applique it into a wallhaging for Mom. Took me almost a year, working off and on. That kind of time makes these quilts a real bargain!

* * * * *

Time to wash clothes, start weeding the garden (grass and the Mint Marauders are shooting up everywhere), and begin unpacking. It's nice to be home.

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