Saturday, June 13, 2009

Weekend Business

It blew like the dickens all day...very restless. Every time the weather does this, my Michigan blood screams "Tornado!" I have to restrain myself from hiding in the basement. (One of the Denver Post's columnists, Suzanne Green, finds herself suddenly having to rearrange things in the closet!)

Spent the day working on pasting fabrics in Fabric Dating Kits, so they'd be ready for the staffers to ship out. We had a huge run on them at the North Carolina Symposium, and it's a relief to see them wrapped and headed out the door.

Tomorrow is Worship Team, a lovely long nap...and planting beans. The strawberries mentioned earlier look terrific -- all perky, though some of the berries were smacked around by the hail we've had recently. The raspberry bushes are growing like crazy, with tufts of fresh green leaves everywhere.

This wonderful rain is a lifesaver.

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