Sunday, September 6, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Here We Go...

Oh, the horror! Target is running "Pumpkin Spice Up Your Space" ads. that must mean that fall is actually here. For those of us who eat a slice or two of pumpkin pie and call it good, this avalanche of pumpkin-flavored STUFF is too scary to relate. 
     It's been in the high 80s and 90s in Colorado all weekend. If you lived here, you wouldn't be surprised, though, at Tuesday's forecast: a high of 38 or so, and lots of snow. 
     Go figure.

Better get out the long-sleeved shirts. I haven't had socks on for months...guess those are coming out of the drawer, too.

  A very interesting drum-off! Who did the best...the 10-year-old or the founder of Foo Fighters. She was great -- but he has my vote. See what you think, 

Lost films that were finally found. (from Listverse) Also from them:

Ten incredible feats of strength.  (The best part is Comment #1.)

A Nebraska legislature gets to hear an impassioned speaker begging them to change the name of "boneless chicken wings." He prefers terms like "saucy nugs," instead. No, considering everything else going on in the world -- I am not making this up.

A strange experience in space for Gordon Cooper:

John Thompson, Georgetown's longtime basketball coach, has died. He was a classy man whose behavior was admirable during college tournament games. 

Censorship, free speech -- and blogging.  (From Living Life in Rural Iowa)

The visitors to Sturgis have their first COVID death -- one of the guys from the 15 'positives' from Minnesota. The poor man. A little more than 100 'positives' have now registered...out of the 462,182 attendees to Sturgis' motorcycle festival more than three weeks ago. Isn't that more than enough time for the huge numbers of positives to start showing up? 

More news on the TVA quilt recently auctioned! Take a look in the comments section.

Have a good week...and enjoy your Labor Day. 

Applies to fall, too...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.