Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: How and Why Do I Do It?

      Do you ever wonder how I choose the items on my "Monday Stuff" columns? Partly, they're unusual, intriguing or just plain silly things I run across in regular reading. (I try to read at least 2 or 3 news sources every day...something I am currently regretting, thanks to the plethora of weird campaign ads.) Partly, they're things we can learn from -- like frugal tips or historical discoveries. And partly, they're recipes I plan on trying...if not now, then in the near future. All would be a little difficult to find on your own, unless you're heading for specific areas. 

     I'm also big on reporting things that are strangely inconsistent. Or unfair. Or dishonest. Or untrue. (Yes, that goes for both political parties.) I think you will find these tidbits interesting, as well as illuminating. Yet if your time is limited, or you don't need the latest Bigfoot sighting (or terrarium), you can ignore the link(s) and gleefully scroll past them. And that, Gentle Readers, is what counts.

     By all means, though, invite me over for chicken-fried steak, next time you make it. I"ll bring the doughnut drops...


The biggest money mistakes investment counselors have seen their clients make.

"What I don't spend money on." You go, Donna Freedman...

Spontaneous protesters. Yep, you bet.

Five horrible art thefts in modern history.

Pumpkin doughnut drops. My advice: skip the pumpkin and use applesauce, instead. But hey... thanks, Taste of Home. Milk cake, anyone?  Or how about:

Treacle recipes (From Frugal in Lincolnshire) Or Taste of Home's...

Chicken fried steak. One of the great classics...and you can make it yourself.

'Mother Hubbard Store Cupboard' meals -- for when your paycheck is short this month...or you're saving up for something special.  (From Utterly Scrummy)

Brit takeaway food, made at home. (I must be missing my UK friends from the cruise, to have this British stuff pop up.) Thanks, Skint Foodie.

Former NBA players who took a 9-to-5 job after retiring. Including one of Denver's favorites: the Birdman.

Bystanders help keep a hot-air balloon from crashing -- by pushing on it from underneath!

Eight spacesaving hacks for tiny bathrooms, via IKEA. Or ...

How about a secret passageway -- in your kitchen?

Nephew finds Pablo Escobar's secret $18 million stash... 'in a vision.'

"What we've learned from 200 millionaire interviews." (From ESI Money)

A millionaire is made ten bucks at a time. (From Mr. Money Mustache, one of the best frugal bloggers out there)

Some of the strangest movie endings in history.

Sue has a new blog: 'A Year of Challenging Myself.' I loved reading this lady's stuff when she was blogging about A Year in the Country. This new blog is worth reading, too.

The worst sports players in the NFL's history. A good lesson that "awards won in college may not mean squat after graduation." Including one of my favorites: Brian Bosworth! (His struggles were injury-related.)

Ten times 'art restoration' only made things worse..  (From Listverse)

A 'Transformer' robot that's huge? Only in Yokohama...

A look back at the Smithsonian collection quilts that were reproduced commercially. (From Black Threads blog) I have three of these in my own collection, including the Harriet Powers Bible Quilt. I wish this blogger was still posting -- she's got some fascinating info to pass on. Please take time to read some of her other entries.

Roast broccoli with bacon. Easy, delicious.  (From Who Needs A Cape?)

Sandstone Ranch is officially open! Hikers and explorers will enjoy finding out what's on this new Open Space park in Douglas County, Colorado.

A Thai national park that sends garbage back to the litterers who put it there. They're banned for five years from coming back, as well. Hmmm...


A 2018 classic from yours truly about Lance Hindt, a Texas superintendent who resigned after he refused to acknowledge his bullying ways in high school. He never apologized -- which is the only thing his accuser said he wanted to hear -- but a host of other nasty things surfaced about him, in the process. (He got a $750,000 severance for quitting.

    One of the accusations was that he'd plagiarized his doctoral paper. That was under investigation at the time he resigned, by the University of Houston. After I reread this post from Aug. 2018, I started wondering: what became of the investigation? Well, Gentle Readers, his paper was quietly removed from the university's archives -- a pretty strong admission that the accusation was true. (More here, suggesting that he may have been stripped of his degree, as well. More here, too. But nothing has been confirmed publicly, by either Hindt or the university.) 

     I am probably more sensitive about the issue of plagiarism, being a writer myself. But here's the kicker: the university's decision didn't take place until JAN. 2020 -- nearly 1 1/2 years later! It took that long to figure out?? A month later, there werealso renewed questions about that hefty payout. I suspect, however, that it really doesn't matter, this late in the picture.


12 celebrities who keep 'forgetting' to pay their rent.  (From The Richest) Probably akin to the little dears who 'forgot' to make good on their promise to leave the United States when Trump won the election in 2016. I wonder if they're saying the same thing now... Unless they're joining John Legend Not many, I'd guess.

     Al Sharpton, how come you're still living in the good ol' US of A?  Feel free to leave...

Have a great week. Only five or so weeks before the election. Thank God; I don't think I (or the country, for that matter) could take much more.

We got some of this today...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.