Sunday, September 20, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Lovely September

 This is the serene time of year for me. 

My reports: almost finished. (I do have revisions on the book to do.) Some quilt restoration will demand watching movies while I work. (Oh, darn.) We've tidied up the trailer some, and the Brick is busy doing more repairs. Exciting, huh? But peaceful, nonetheless.

We're planning a trip up into the mountains this week, to see what the leaves are doing. This is peak season for 'leafers' in Colorado, as these photos from last year show.


Some interesting claims Joe Biden is making. He also says that 200 million people have died of Covid-19. 

   Maybe we could clear up the problems via his 'Ask Me Anything' Instagram account -- but as of 9/10, he still isn't answering. Oopsies. Well, at least he posted a video.

Some of the oldest graffiti in the world.

"Back from the brink of financial oblivion." (From The Escape Artist) I would have liked more specific details, but this is still interesting.

A family plunges 300 feet down a mountain road -- and lives! 

A really interesting RVer blog. If you're thinking about living in a fifth-wheel, as we do, this will give you a lot of inspiration.

How to store your fruits and veggies long-term. (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Little ways to stretch your money -- straight from Dave Ramsey himself.

Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg had no problem with an "11th hour nomination" for a Supreme Court justice -- after all, she argued, the President is still the president, even in his last year. 

     Wait a minute -- she said this? Yes, back in 2016.

P.S. Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham agreed in 2016 -- only he changed his mind now -- because 'circumstances are different.' Hmmm...could this be politically motivated, instead of ethical?

“I want you to use my words against me,” Graham said on the Senate floor four years ago. "If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.”

P.P.S. Don't look to the GOP for not participating in these flipflop shenanigans -- because they're just as bad.

Top ten forbidden colors. In part because they use poisonous elements in their making.  (From Listverse)

"Holy Water" -- by We the Kingdom. A rowdy worship song that is so much fun! (And needed, in these uncertain times.)

An ice age cave bear found in Russia -- nearly all intact!

Incredible backyard discoveries.  (From Buzznicked)

How to curse in 15 different languages, courtesy of Samuel L. Jackson. Um, thank you... I guess.

"What are the cleverest scams you've come across?"  Quora has some of the most interesting (and stupidest) questions ever.

Want a 'custom' closet? Use IKEA equipment, and save a lot of $$.

Simple -- but effective! -- ways to keep your daily life organized. (From the -- what else -- Everyday Girl)

Chicken confit -- 6 ingredients, deliciously tender.

The story of a waiter sidelined by Covid in March-- and what he did. A difficult story with plenty of hard times -- but gutsy.

Did you realize Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump have not spoken directly to each other since Oct. 2019? Yeah, me neither...

45 cheap meals that will get you through rent week.  (From Bon Appetit)

A mom smacks her 16-year-old for throwing things during a riot (er, 'protest'). Whoa.

"Alexa, how can I get rich?" A surprising -- and helpful -- answer. (From The Retirement Manifesto)

Have a great week. Kick some leaves for me.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.