Monday, April 26, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Tucson

      We've had a good time in Tucson. 

      While Daughter #2 and Son #1 bought items for their business, Phenomenal Gems, we traipsed along behind. We saw a lot of beautiful stones this time around -- and considered adding some to our collection, but refrained. (Not enough room in the fifth-wheel, and the bumping around could easily break some of the more fragile pieces. Sigh.) But we did enjoy some great meals, including Mexican and Ethiopian, and it was wonderful to be able to spend time with our kids. We've missed them. A lot.

     They're heading back to Colorado -- and we're on our way a bit north to New Mexico. What will we be doing, this week? Hunting for lost treasure!


Call your dad "The Chequebook," treat him that way.. and see what happens in his will. As in 7 million pounds not willed to his daughters, after all. (They argued that they should get it, anyways, for "maintenance" -- and lost.)

Here are the winners of the 2021 Oscars. No, we didn't watch. No, we were not impressed, either. 

A high school relay race in Utah -- but the dog wins!

An amazing local artist (to Arizona, anyways) -- Phoenix-based Papay Solomon. Take a look at his Facebook page. I'm betting we hear more about this man in the future. 

Happy Anzac Day to our Aussie friends!

Rep. Maxine Waters came into town to protest police action (and demand their defunding) -- but she was also careful to request a police escort for protection during her trip.   Huh??

Incredible photos produced by drones.   These are especially good because you can view them by scrolling down -- instead of the interminable page-flipping. 

An unusual interview with a Russian model -- married to a Hollywood mogul. I was surprised at the honesty and resourcefulness expressed by this lady. 

A strange Albanian visit to an old church -- and a pile of bones. (From Travel with Kevin and Ruth -- one of my favorite RV bloggers)

Just watched two Shirley Temple movies, including The Little Princess. I'd forgotten what an instinctively good dancer she was, at such a young age. Here are 5 moments (the first one is my favorite)

And another look at 'Old Kent Road:'

Chocolate chip sea salt cookies. Just don't sprinkle a few when you invite me over -- I'm allergic.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

A new documentary on the Death House Landlady -- who wiped out her indigent renters, after she collected their money. What a scary woman.

Best advice for graduates. (From Making Sense of Cents)

A five-year-old and a bobcat face Castle Rock, CO, our old hometown!        

Another great dance by Gregory Hines -- and several other incredible tap performers, including Sammy Davis, Jr.:

A little boy wants to stay -- and his uncle says he'll help. Let him!

All of the unrest, including looting, in the big cities? It's all make-believe. (Guess who's being accused of making it up.) 

Ex-president George Bush reveals who he voted for in 2020 -- and it's not who you'd think.

A cash treasure trove -- $46,000 found under the floorboards.

What makes a good side hustle? Retireby40's got some ideas.

During Prince Philip's funeral, his widow carried a photo of them as newlyweds -- and his favorite embroidered pocket square handkerchief. Our condolences, Queen Elizabeth. 

A bicycle mailbox walkway -- to make yourself.  (From Hometalk)

"What are the perfect things to do -- and say -- when someone is being rude to you?"  Quora comes through again. 

Have a great week. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...