Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: November Rain/Snow

    After a nailbiter game between Michigan and Penn State (Blue won, but barely), we sang and played at a Sunday service, went out with friends for lunch afterwards, took a nap, visited The Mama several times, and...the weekend just blurred away. 

More of same this week, I guess. The Mama finishes rehab on Wednesday, and moves back into a care facility. Which means we'll be taking her there, and setting her back up. She wants to come back to the farm for a visit, so I'm planning on making lunch for her here, before heading for the care center.

    It will be easier for us -- ten minutes of driving each way, versus the 30-40 min. drive we've been doing. It's still not what The Mama wants -- she wants to come home. But that's not possible right now, and my heart breaks a little every time I have to acknowledge it.

    We got the first snow last Thursday...and it's been raining, snowing or both pretty much since then. In Colorado, a day of this would be a celebration. In Michigan in November, it's the norm.


'We rented our home after we moved into a fifth-wheel -- and lost our savings when the renters refused to pay.'  This could easily have happened to us, had we not sold our house.

Some amazing transformations of thrift shop dresses, yardage...even a tablecloth.

Modern treasure hunts...some succeeded!

"If you don't ask, you don't get."  (From Filled with Money)

Info on the Herefordshire Hoard.  (I was in a Viking frame of mind this week.)

The Galloway hoard -- and its textiles. Be sure to read both Part One, plus Part Two. (Which covers dirt balls!)

The world's oldest woven garment -- so far, at least.  (Hint: it's Egyptian linen.)

The mortgage deadbeat who's avoided paying for TWENTY-THREE YEARS is finally booted out. No sympathy for this guy at all.

More than 6000 ancient coins -- found underneath an Austrian farm.

A real live rat king -- yes, they exist!

Charles Dickens is said to haunt a mirror from a hotel suite he stayed in during his last trip to America. I'll believe it when I see it...

A bank teller who disappeared with more than $200,000 is found decades later -- but it's too late. 

Redneck engineers, doing what works. And most times, it does! My Hollander dad would be proud.

Now President Biden has finally acknowledged that inflation is a growing problem for Americans, what is his administration going to do about it?    (At least, it's finally "of concern" to him. )

A six-inch dinosaur carving meant for Russian royalty, lost for more than a century, is FOUND -- and even though 'broken,' sells for 62,000 pounds. (About $100,000) It's not a Faberge egg, but still...

Sonoma Chicken Salad -- one of Whole Foods' star recipes.

Unexpected and 'it's about time' kisses on tv and in movies.

A daughter finds her mother's favorite coat on Ebay, after searching for it for ages.    (Dad accidentally donated it after her mother's death, not realizing she'd want it.)

Pumpkin recipes -- from our sister blog, Holiday Goodies.

Touchdown!! A squirrel...a slow college ball game... six points. (He didn't hang around for the extra point, though.)

The 99-Cent Chef. A new blog I've just started reading...some good recipes. He has an odd habit of showing his meals 'exploding' -- or de-making themselves. But once you get used to that, the ideas are wonderful.

Thrifty Christmas dinner ideas.... these would work for Thanksgiving, too.

The urge to splurge -- do you fight it, or don't you? Yes...and yes.  (From Get Rich Slowly)

Christmas stocking filler ideas. Another classic from yours truly.

Dean Stockwell died last week. I admired this quirky actor's work.

Sixteen treasures looted from Benin have been France.

(The Benin Bronzes are part of this international issue. See more here.)

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.