Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Thanksgiving Week

      We've settled into a sort-of pattern, now that we're (sort of) established in Michigan. Sundays, we sing and play at a local church. The rest of the week, we get chores done at The Mama's house, work on our own 'house' (the fifth-wheel), I do some writing...and we visit The Mama at her room in the care facility. It can be a little strange, and she still is struggling with the idea of staying there. Our job: to help her adapt, yes, but hopefully get better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

     Thursday, we head to Brother's house for Thanksgiving. Our job is to take The Mama there and keep her comfortable and enjoying the celebration. Our job: bring the appetizers ('relishes' and a meat & cheese tray). I'll tuck in a package of Dutch windmill cookies, as well.


The strange story of the German who wanted to go to San Francisco...and got off in Maine instead, thinking that's where he was. I would laugh more at this, had my mother-in-law not done much the same thing -- she planned to go to Montana to see her oldest son and family, and ended up in a totally different state, instead. (The airline people, to their credit, did eventually put her on the right plane.)

Ten celebrity interviews that didn't do them (the celebrities) any good.  (From Listverse)

A 13-year-old metal detector enthusiast finds a 65-piece Bronze Age axe hoard. 

A recipe that combines chili rellenos with croque madame, a hot sandwich. Delicious.

'Problems come, and problems go...' yes, yes they do.  (From Budgets Are Sexy)

Oriental (or 'Asian') slow-cooker meals? Yes, please. 

If the FDA has its way, it's going to be 55 YEARS before we have a complete picture of vaccine-related information. Really.

Who started four large fires? Authorities think a former college professor did it.

Frugality: using ALL the bits.  (From Donna Freedman's Surviving and Thriving)

Conversations overheard in San Francisco, some pandemic-related. See if you don't burst out laughing at the first one...and if you liked that:

Extremely funny boyfriend/husband shots. 

A ghost dog, caught on camera?

Some insanely cool photos from the recent moon eclipse... especially the pyramids one!

Dean Martin's daughter -- on life with her dad. (A surprise -- he didn't drink that much, if at all, she says. That was cider in his glass.)

A fall wreath -- in five minutes flat. (You could do a Christmas one this way, too.)

Scenes cut and changes made for big movies...that make a lot more sense.

Will seniors on social security actually get $1400 stimulus checks? This group hopes so...but frankly, I doubt it.

Antiques found on the beach. Really intriguing ones, too.

Super quick, effective (she says) and cheap laundry detergent to make.  (From Harvest Lane Cottage)

Did someone really see a flying dinosaur in Boise? The video makes you wonder:

The secret history of New York City's subway globes. They're actually a special code.

Mike Pence is finally talking about his role in the Jan. 6 Electoral College vote.   One of the gutsiest moves, in my opinion, since Jerry Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. (And no, I don't believe Ford 'got paid off.' In fact, it cost him the POTUS election, and pretty much slammed the door on any more career in politics.)

A vicar comes home to find his house has been sold. What's worse -- the man who stole it from him gets to keep the sale proceeds! This really was a miscarriage of justice.

A Mayan canoe is found submerged in a Mexican freshwater pool.

  Could future soldiers be armed in flying suits?   Shades of The Rocketeer:

Nancy Bavor, a friend and colleague, is retiring as the director of the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles. They'll miss her talent and inspiration. 

Did the USS Connecticut submarine actually strike a seamount in the China sea?

   The Brick wonders why it was uncharted...but says it almost happened before, to his sub.

At any rate, a BUNCH of officers were fired because of the incident

Have a good week. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.